Question NW1753 to the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services
09 July 2018 - NW1753
Breytenbach, Adv G to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services
What number of (a) life sentences were sought in each province in each year since 1 January 2004 and (b) life sentences were handed down in each case?
I regret to inform the Honourable Member that neither the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development nor the National Prosecuting Authority has the information readily available as requested.
The data on sentencing, which the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development has captured through the Integrated Case Management System (ICMS), is only available from 2014.
In addition, the Department has identified issues regarding inaccuracy and incompleteness of data. The Department is in the process of addressing system issues and putting effective mechanisms in place to hold officials that are responsible for data accountable.