Question NW1283 to the Minister of Health

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07 May 2018 - NW1283

Profile picture: Thembekwayo, Dr S

Thembekwayo, Dr S to ask the Minister of Health

(a) What is the total number of persons who are on the waiting list for surgery in each hospital in the Eastern Cape, (b) what are the reasons that each person requires surgery, (c) what is the name of each hospital they are going to have the surgery at, (d) on what date was each individual added to the waiting list and (e) by what date is each individual expected to have the surgery in each specified hospital in the Eastern Cape?


(a)-(e) Honourable Member the National Department of Health does not collate this level of detailed patient level data pertaining to waiting list for surgery. Each surgical ward in a hospital has this data which is never static or stable at any one time, but is used for clinical management of patients.

There is no standardised way which the National Department can use to compile such data at national level.

This is because the criterion used to place anybody on a waiting list is too complex and very fluid to be able to compile sensible data.

Criteria for waiting lists depend on a multiplicity of complex factors like clinical evaluation, availability of beds, prioritization of some patients over others depending on their clinical conditions. Patients conditions may change within a matter of hours and this may render the list irrelevant.

Hence the list is better kept ward per ward with all these changes that may happen day per day or even hour per hour.

This problem is faced by many health authorities internationally.


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