Question NW87 to the Minister of Communications

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12 March 2018 - NW87

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

With regard to each service provider involved in the irregular expenditure at the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA) in the 2016-17 financial year, (a) what is the name of each service provider, (b) what led to the irregular expenditure in respect of each service provider and (c) what did the Supply Chain Management (SCM) do to (i) mitigate risk and (ii) avoid future irregular expenditure in relation to each service provider mentioned; (2) (a) What is the current situation regarding the MDDA and a certain service provider (name furnished) and (b) what steps have been taken with regard to the matter as at the latest date for which information is available; (3) Have any payments been made to the service provider after the Auditor-General highlighted the provider’s contract as irregular expenditure; if so, (a) was the payment instructed by the SCM, (b) who else instructed the payment of the service provider, (c) did the MDDA board condone payments made to the service


1. (a)(b) and (c) (i) and (ii) are provided in the annexure.

2. (a) and (b) The contract with the service provider, Holystic Approach, was terminated on 31 October 2017 and the service provider is no longer in use.

(3) Yes, payment was made to the specified company after the contract concluded.

a) SCM did not instruct the payment, but instead reviewed and attached the SBD 4 forms and the National Treasury central supplier database compliance history documents in respect of the supplier.

b) The Acting CEO instructed the payment of the service provider.

c) The Board condoned extending the services to 31 October 2017.

d) The Acting CEO signed off the payments for the service provider.

Approved/ not approved


Ms Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane MP,






Description of service

Details of irregular transgression

(b) Reasons for deviating from SCM prescripts

C() (i) and (ii) consequence management/ Mitigation initiatives


Holystic approach


Professional services - Human Resources Manager and Officer and Company Secretary

Irregular contract from previous year. Contract extended due to vacancies in positions being occupied by the external resources

Due to High vacancies and high staff turnover sufficient and appropriately trained staff was not available, as the contract was already in existence and vacancies were being filled through the use of the contract, the contract was allowed to continue.
The contract was raised as irregular in the previous year due to the evaluation system used not as what was advertised.

MDDA has advertised for the vacant posts and aims to fill the vacancies, which should prevent the use of the contract in future.
In August 2017 MDDA has sent out termination letters to the Suppliers indicating that the contracts will be terminated.




Professional services - Chief Financial Officer

Irregular contract from previous year that continued into the current financial year ( for the CFO position)
The contract was determined as irregular during the audit which was completed in August 2016 but the contract was terminated in the second month of the financial year (April 2015)

Due to High vacancies and high staff turnover sufficient and appropriately trained staff was not available, as the contract was already in existence and vacancies were being filled through the use of the contract, the contract was allowed to continue.
The contract was raised as irregular in the previous year due to the evaluation system used not as what was advertised.

MDDA has advertised for the vacant posts and aims to fill the vacancies, which should prevent the use of the contract in future


Motsoeneng Bill Attorneys


Legal fees payments

Minimum 3 quotations required were not obtained. The reasons recorded did not appear reasonable/ justified on the basis that it was impossible/ impractical to obtain 3 written quotations

Memorandum was signed and the board approved the sourcing of a legal opinion from a new service provider as they were of the opinion that the current providers Cheadle and Thompson attorneys were delaying the process and as this was an urgent matter and the case was heading to court as soon as the new supplier was appointed

MDDA has sourced out other services providers following the correct process,
MDDA also plan on creating a panel of attorneys in order to prevent the recurrence of only sourcing one quotation due to the urgent nature of the case.
In August 2017 MDDA has sent out termination letters to the Suppliers indicating that the contracts will be terminated.




professional services

Irregular contract from previous year that continued into the current financial year ( for the Finance Manager position)
The contract was determined as irregular during the audit which was completed in August 2016 but the contract was terminated in the second month of the financial year (April 2015)

Due to high vacancies and high staff turnover sufficient and appropriately trained staff was not available, as the contract was already in existence and vacancies were being filled through the use of the contract, the contract was allowed to continue.
The contract was raised as irregular in the previous year due to the evaluation system being used not as what was advertised.

MDDA has advertised for the vacant posts and aims to fill the vacancies, which should prevent the use of the contract in future


Vigil Chartered Accountants Inc.


professional services

• AG determined that the awards were made without evidence of certified BBB-EE certificates or signed declarations of interest for the current year
• MDDA had a supplier database which contains the BBB-EE and SBD 4 forms of suppliers but these forms were not for the current year.
• MDDA utilized CSD registration forms which included all this information.

MDDA followed National Treasury Instruction Note 4A which stated that
• 3.1.1 the current supply chain systems and policies of their respective organs of state are aligned with the provision of this SCM instruction note
• 3.1.2 Price Quotations are invited and accepted from prospective suppliers listed on the CSD and
• 3.1.3 Key information of prospective suppliers is verified on the CSD in line with PFMA and regulatory requirements.
therefore as this information was contained in the report BBB-EE certificates and SBD4 forms were not requested

MDDA has resolved to conduct a parallel process where supplier submits the Certified BBB-EE certificates and the declarations of interest together with the CSD compliance history report.


Times media


advertising costs

• AG determined that the awards were made without evidence of certified BBB-EE certificates or signed declarations of interest for the current year
• MDDA had a supplier database which contains the BBB-EE and SBD 4 forms of suppliers but these forms were not for the current year.
• MDDA utilized CSD registration forms which included all this information.

MDDA followed National Treasury Instruction Note 4A which stated that
• 3.1.1 the current supply chain systems and policies of their respective organs of state are aligned with the provision of this SCM instruction note
• 3.1.2 Price Quotations are invited and accepted from prospective suppliers listed on the CSD and
• 3.1.3 Key information of prospective suppliers is verified on the CSD in line with PFMA and regulatory requirements.
therefore as this information was contained in the report BBB-EE certificates and SBD4 forms were not requested

MDDA has resolved to conduct a parallel process where supplier submits the Certified BBB-EE certificates and the declarations of interest together with the CSD compliance history report.


Humming Bird



• AG determined that the awards were made without evidence of certified BBB-EE certificates or signed declarations of interest for the current year
• MDDA had a supplier database which contains the BBB-EE and SBD 4 forms of suppliers but these forms were not for the current year.
• MDDA utilized CSD registration forms which included all this information.

MDDA followed National Treasury Instruction Note 4A which stated that:
• 3.1.1 the current supply chain systems and policies of their respective organs of state are aligned with the provision of this SCM instruction note
• 3.1.2 Price Quotations are invited and accepted from prospective suppliers listed on the CSD and
• 3.1.3 Key information of prospective suppliers is verified on the CSD in line with PFMA and regulatory requirements.
therefore as this information was contained in the report BBB-EE certificates and SBD4 forms were not requested

MDDA has resolved to conduct a parallel process where supplier submits the Certified BBB-EE certificates and the declarations of interest together with the CSD compliance history report.


BitCo (telephony)


Office Equipment

• AG determined that the awards were made without evidence of certified BBB-EE certificates or signed declarations of interest for the current year
• MDDA had a supplier database which contains the BBB-EE and SBD 4 forms of suppliers but these forms were not for the current year.
• MDDA utilized CSD registration forms which included all this information.

MDDA followed National Treasury Instruction Note 4A which stated that
• 3.1.1 the current supply chain systems and policies of their respective organs of state are aligned with the provision of this SCM instruction note
• 3.1.2 Price Quotations are invited and accepted from prospective suppliers listed on the CSD and
• 3.1.3 Key information of prospective suppliers is verified on the CSD in line with PFMA and regulatory requirements.
therefore as this information was contained in the report BBB-EE certificates and SBD4 forms were not requested

MDDA has resolved to conduct a parallel process where supplier submits the Certified BBB-EE certificates and the declarations of interest together with the CSD compliance history report


EZEVEE Computer Solutions


professional services

• AG determined that the awards were made without evidence of certified BBB-EE certificates or signed declarations of interest for the current year
• MDDA had a supplier database which contains the BBB-EE and SBD 4 forms of suppliers but these forms were not for the current year.
• MDDA utilized CSD registration forms which included all this information.

MDDA followed National Treasury Instruction Note 4A which stated that
• 3.1.1 the current supply chain systems and policies of their respective organs of state are aligned with the provision of this SCM instruction note
• 3.1.2 Price Quotations are invited and accepted from prospective suppliers listed on the CSD and
• 3.1.3 Key information of prospective suppliers is verified on the CSD in line with PFMA and regulatory requirements.
therefore as this information was contained in the report BBB-EE certificates and SBD4 forms were not requested

MDDA has resolved to conduct a parallel process where supplier submits the Certified BBB-EE certificates and the declarations of interest together with the CSD compliance history report


Bright Networks (Audio plus Boardrooms)


Office Equipment

• AG determined that the awards were made without evidence of certified BBB-EE certificates or signed declarations of interest for the current year
• MDDA had a supplier database which contains the BBB-EE and SBD 4 forms of suppliers but these forms were not for the current year.
• MDDA utilized CSD registration forms which included all this information.

MDDA followed National Treasury Instruction Note 4A which stated that
• 3.1.1 the current supply chain systems and policies of their respective organs of state are aligned with the provision of this SCM instruction note
• 3.1.2 Price Quotations are invited and accepted from prospective suppliers listed on the CSD and
• 3.1.3 Key information of prospective suppliers is verified on the CSD in line with PFMA and regulatory requirements.
therefore as this information was contained in the report BBB-EE certificates and SBD4 forms were not requested

MDDA has resolved to conduct a parallel process where supplier submits the Certified BBB-EE certificates and the declarations of interest together with the CSD compliance history report


Humming bird



• AG determined that the awards were made without evidence of certified BBB-EE certificates or signed declarations of interest for the current year
• MDDA had a supplier database which contains the BBB-EE and SBD 4 forms of suppliers but these forms were not for the current year.
• MDDA utilized CSD registration forms which included all this information.

MDDA followed National Treasury Instruction Note 4A which stated that
• 3.1.1 the current supply chain systems and policies of their respective organs of state are aligned with the provision of this SCM instruction note
• 3.1.2 Price Quotations are invited and accepted from prospective suppliers listed on the CSD and
• 3.1.3 Key information of prospective suppliers is verified on the CSD in line with PFMA and regulatory requirements.
therefore as this information was contained in the report BBB-EE certificates and SBD4 forms were not requested

MDDA has resolved to conduct a parallel process where supplier submits the Certified BBB-EE certificates and the declarations of interest together with the CSD compliance history report


Data tegra


Office Equipment

• AG determined that the awards were made without evidence of certified BBB-EE certificates or signed declarations of interest for the current year
• MDDA had a supplier database which contains the BBB-EE and SBD 4 forms of suppliers but these forms were not for the current year.
• MDDA utilized CSD registration forms which included all this information.

MDDA followed National Treasury Instruction Note 4A which stated that
• 3.1.1 the current supply chain systems and policies of their respective organs of state are aligned with the provision of this SCM instruction note
• 3.1.2 Price Quotations are invited and accepted from prospective suppliers listed on the CSD and
• 3.1.3 Key information of prospective suppliers is verified on the CSD in line with PFMA and regulatory requirements.
therefore as this information was contained in the report BBB-EE certificates and SBD4 forms were not requested

MDDA has resolved to conduct a parallel process where supplier submits the Certified BBB-EE certificates and the declarations of interest together with the CSD compliance history report


Sidogi Holdings



• AG determined that the awards were made without evidence of certified BBB-EE certificates or signed declarations of interest for the current year
• MDDA had a supplier database which contains the BBB-EE and SBD 4 forms of suppliers but these forms were not for the current year.
• MDDA utilized CSD registration forms which included all this information.

MDDA followed National Treasury Instruction Note 4A which stated that
• 3.1.1 the current supply chain systems and policies of their respective organs of state are aligned with the provision of this SCM instruction note
• 3.1.2 Price Quotations are invited and accepted from prospective suppliers listed on the CSD and
• 3.1.3 Key information of prospective suppliers is verified on the CSD in line with PFMA and regulatory requirements.
therefore as this information was contained in the report BBB-EE certificates and SBD4 forms were not requested

MDDA has resolved to conduct a parallel process where supplier submits the Certified BBB-EE certificates and the declarations of interest together with the CSD compliance history report


City press


advertising costs

• AG determined that the awards were made without evidence of certified BBB-EE certificates or signed declarations of interest for the current year
• MDDA had a supplier database which contains the BBB-EE and SBD 4 forms of suppliers but these forms were not for the current year.
• MDDA utilized CSD registration forms which included all this information.

MDDA followed National Treasury Instruction Note 4A which stated that
• 3.1.1 the current supply chain systems and policies of their respective organs of state are aligned with the provision of this SCM instruction note
• 3.1.2 Price Quotations are invited and accepted from prospective suppliers listed on the CSD and
• 3.1.3 Key information of prospective suppliers is verified on the CSD in line with PFMA and regulatory requirements.
therefore as this information was contained in the report BBB-EE certificates and SBD4 forms were not requested

MDDA has resolved to conduct a parallel process where supplier submits the Certified BBB-EE certificates and the declarations of interest together with the CSD compliance history report


CQS (Caseware)


professional services

• AG determined that the awards were made without evidence of certified BBB-EE certificates or signed declarations of interest for the current year
• MDDA had a supplier database which contains the BBB-EE and SBD 4 forms of suppliers but these forms were not for the current year.
• MDDA utilized CSD registration forms which included all this information.

MDDA followed National Treasury Instruction Note 4A which stated that
• 3.1.1 the current supply chain systems and policies of their respective organs of state are aligned with the provision of this SCM instruction note
• 3.1.2 Price Quotations are invited and accepted from prospective suppliers listed on the CSD and
• 3.1.3 Key information of prospective suppliers is verified on the CSD in line with PFMA and regulatory requirements.
therefore as this information was contained in the report BBB-EE certificates and SBD4 forms were not requested

MDDA has resolved to conduct a parallel process where supplier submits the Certified BBB-EE certificates and the declarations of interest together with the CSD compliance history report


Makro Crown Mines


Office Equipment

• AG determined that the awards were made without evidence of certified BBB-EE certificates or signed declarations of interest for the current year
• MDDA had a supplier database which contains the BBB-EE and SBD 4 forms of suppliers but these forms were not for the current year.
• MDDA utilized CSD registration forms which included all this information.

MDDA followed National Treasury Instruction Note 4A which stated that
• 3.1.1 the current supply chain systems and policies of their respective organs of state are aligned with the provision of this SCM instruction note
• 3.1.2 Price Quotations are invited and accepted from prospective suppliers listed on the CSD and
• 3.1.3 Key information of prospective suppliers is verified on the CSD in line with PFMA and regulatory requirements.
therefore as this information was contained in the report BBB-EE certificates and SBD4 forms were not requested

MDDA has resolved to conduct a parallel process where supplier submits the Certified BBB-EE certificates and the declarations of interest together with the CSD compliance history report


One World Human Capital


professional services

• AG determined that the awards were made without evidence of certified BBB-EE certificates or signed declarations of interest for the current year
• MDDA had a supplier database which contains the BBB-EE and SBD 4 forms of suppliers but these forms were not for the current year.
• MDDA utilized CSD registration forms which included all this information.

MDDA followed National Treasury Instruction Note 4A which stated that
• 3.1.1 the current supply chain systems and policies of their respective organs of state are aligned with the provision of this SCM instruction note
• 3.1.2 Price Quotations are invited and accepted from prospective suppliers listed on the CSD and
• 3.1.3 Key information of prospective suppliers is verified on the CSD in line with PFMA and regulatory requirements.
therefore as this information was contained in the report BBB-EE certificates and SBD4 forms were not requested

MDDA has resolved to conduct a parallel process where supplier submits the Certified BBB-EE certificates and the declarations of interest together with the CSD compliance history report


Sunday times


advertising costs

• AG determined that the awards were made without evidence of certified BBB-EE certificates or signed declarations of interest for the current year
• MDDA had a supplier database which contains the BBB-EE and SBD 4 forms of suppliers but these forms were not for the current year.
• MDDA utilized CSD registration forms which included all this information.

MDDA followed National Treasury Instruction Note 4A which stated that
• 3.1.1 the current supply chain systems and policies of their respective organs of state are aligned with the provision of this SCM instruction note
• 3.1.2 Price Quotations are invited and accepted from prospective suppliers listed on the CSD and
• 3.1.3 Key information of prospective suppliers is verified on the CSD in line with PFMA and regulatory requirements.
therefore as this information was contained in the report BBB-EE certificates and SBD4 forms were not requested

MDDA has resolved to conduct a parallel process where supplier submits the Certified BBB-EE certificates and the declarations of interest together with the CSD compliance history report


Mudzunga Holdings



• AG determined that the awards were made without evidence of certified BBB-EE certificates or signed declarations of interest for the current year
• MDDA had a supplier database which contains the BBB-EE and SBD 4 forms of suppliers but these forms were not for the current year.
• MDDA utilized CSD registration forms which included all this information.

MDDA followed National Treasury Instruction Note 4A which stated that
• 3.1.1 the current supply chain systems and policies of their respective organs of state are aligned with the provision of this SCM instruction note
• 3.1.2 Price Quotations are invited and accepted from prospective suppliers listed on the CSD and
• 3.1.3 Key information of prospective suppliers is verified on the CSD in line with PFMA and regulatory requirements.
therefore as this information was contained in the report BBB-EE certificates and SBD4 forms were not requested

MDDA has resolved to conduct a parallel process where supplier submits the Certified BBB-EE certificates and the declarations of interest together with the CSD compliance history report


White and Black



• AG determined that the awards were made without evidence of certified BBB-EE certificates or signed declarations of interest for the current year
• MDDA had a supplier database which contains the BBB-EE and SBD 4 forms of suppliers but these forms were not for the current year.
• MDDA utilized CSD registration forms which included all this information.

MDDA followed National Treasury Instruction Note 4A which stated that
• 3.1.1 the current supply chain systems and policies of their respective organs of state are aligned with the provision of this SCM instruction note
• 3.1.2 Price Quotations are invited and accepted from prospective suppliers listed on the CSD and
• 3.1.3 Key information of prospective suppliers is verified on the CSD in line with PFMA and regulatory requirements.
therefore as this information was contained in the report BBB-EE certificates and SBD4 forms were not requested

MDDA has resolved to conduct a parallel process where supplier submits the Certified BBB-EE certificates and the declarations of interest together with the CSD compliance history report


Humming Bird Media



• AG determined that the awards were made without evidence of certified BBB-EE certificates or signed declarations of interest for the current year
• MDDA had a supplier database which contains the BBB-EE and SBD 4 forms of suppliers but these forms were not for the current year.
• MDDA utilized CSD registration forms which included all this information.

MDDA followed National Treasury Instruction Note 4A which stated that
• 3.1.1 the current supply chain systems and policies of their respective organs of state are aligned with the provision of this SCM instruction note
• 3.1.2 Price Quotations are invited and accepted from prospective suppliers listed on the CSD and
• 3.1.3 Key information of prospective suppliers is verified on the CSD in line with PFMA and regulatory requirements.
therefore as this information was contained in the report BBB-EE certificates and SBD4 forms were not requested

MDDA has resolved to conduct a parallel process where supplier submits the Certified BBB-EE certificates and the declarations of interest together with the CSD compliance history report


Daisy Jane



• AG determined that the awards were made without evidence of certified BBB-EE certificates or signed declarations of interest for the current year
• MDDA had a supplier database which contains the BBB-EE and SBD 4 forms of suppliers but these forms were not for the current year.
• MDDA utilized CSD registration forms which included all this information.

MDDA followed National Treasury Instruction Note 4A which stated that
• 3.1.1 the current supply chain systems and policies of their respective organs of state are aligned with the provision of this SCM instruction note
• 3.1.2 Price Quotations are invited and accepted from prospective suppliers listed on the CSD and
• 3.1.3 Key information of prospective suppliers is verified on the CSD in line with PFMA and regulatory requirements.
therefore as this information was contained in the report BBB-EE certificates and SBD4 forms were not requested

MDDA has resolved to conduct a parallel process where supplier submits the Certified BBB-EE certificates and the declarations of interest together with the CSD compliance history report


Javeline trading and Projects


professional services

• AG determined that the awards were made without evidence of certified BBB-EE certificates or signed declarations of interest for the current year
• MDDA had a supplier database which contains the BBB-EE and SBD 4 forms of suppliers but these forms were not for the current year.
• MDDA utilized CSD registration forms which included all this information.

MDDA followed National Treasury Instruction Note 4A which stated that
• 3.1.1 the current supply chain systems and policies of their respective organs of state are aligned with the provision of this SCM instruction note
• 3.1.2 Price Quotations are invited and accepted from prospective suppliers listed on the CSD and
• 3.1.3 Key information of prospective suppliers is verified on the CSD in line with PFMA and regulatory requirements.
therefore as this information was contained in the report BBB-EE certificates and SBD4 forms were not requested

MDDA has resolved to conduct a parallel process where supplier submits the Certified BBB-EE certificates and the declarations of interest together with the CSD compliance history report


Stonehage Mulimisi Consulting



• AG determined that the awards were made without evidence of certified BBB-EE certificates or signed declarations of interest for the current year
• MDDA had a supplier database which contains the BBB-EE and SBD 4 forms of suppliers but these forms were not for the current year.
• MDDA utilized CSD registration forms which included all this information.

MDDA followed National Treasury Instruction Note 4A which stated that
• 3.1.1 the current supply chain systems and policies of their respective organs of state are aligned with the provision of this SCM instruction note
• 3.1.2 Price Quotations are invited and accepted from prospective suppliers listed on the CSD and
• 3.1.3 Key information of prospective suppliers is verified on the CSD in line with PFMA and regulatory requirements.
therefore as this information was contained in the report BBB-EE certificates and SBD4 forms were not requested

MDDA has resolved to conduct a parallel process where supplier submits the Certified BBB-EE certificates and the declarations of interest together with the CSD compliance history report


Bright Networks (Biometrics)


Office Equipment

• AG determined that the awards were made without evidence of certified BBB-EE certificates or signed declarations of interest for the current year
• MDDA had a supplier database which contains the BBB-EE and SBD 4 forms of suppliers but these forms were not for the current year.
• MDDA utilized CSD registration forms which included all this information.

MDDA followed National Treasury Instruction Note 4A which stated that
• 3.1.1 the current supply chain systems and policies of their respective organs of state are aligned with the provision of this SCM instruction note
• 3.1.2 Price Quotations are invited and accepted from prospective suppliers listed on the CSD and
• 3.1.3 Key information of prospective suppliers is verified on the CSD in line with PFMA and regulatory requirements.
therefore as this information was contained in the report BBB-EE certificates and SBD4 forms were not requested

MDDA has resolved to conduct a parallel process where supplier submits the Certified BBB-EE certificates and the declarations of interest together with the CSD compliance history report


Sandton Office Removals


Office Equipment

• AG determined that the awards were made without evidence of certified BBB-EE certificates or signed declarations of interest for the current year
• MDDA had a supplier database which contains the BBB-EE and SBD 4 forms of suppliers but these forms were not for the current year.
• MDDA utilized CSD registration forms which included all this information.

MDDA followed National Treasury Instruction Note 4A which stated that
• 3.1.1 the current supply chain systems and policies of their respective organs of state are aligned with the provision of this SCM instruction note
• 3.1.2 Price Quotations are invited and accepted from prospective suppliers listed on the CSD and
• 3.1.3 Key information of prospective suppliers is verified on the CSD in line with PFMA and regulatory requirements.
therefore as this information was contained in the report BBB-EE certificates and SBD4 forms were not requested

MDDA has resolved to conduct a parallel process where supplier submits the Certified BBB-EE certificates and the declarations of interest together with the CSD compliance history report


Bright Networks (Network cabling)


Office Equipment

• AG determined that the awards were made without evidence of certified BBB-EE certificates or signed declarations of interest for the current year
• MDDA had a supplier database which contains the BBB-EE and SBD 4 forms of suppliers but these forms were not for the current year.
• MDDA utilized CSD registration forms which included all this information.

MDDA followed National Treasury Instruction Note 4A which stated that
• 3.1.1 the current supply chain systems and policies of their respective organs of state are aligned with the provision of this SCM instruction note
• 3.1.2 Price Quotations are invited and accepted from prospective suppliers listed on the CSD and
• 3.1.3 Key information of prospective suppliers is verified on the CSD in line with PFMA and regulatory requirements.
therefore as this information was contained in the report BBB-EE certificates and SBD4 forms were not requested

MDDA has resolved to conduct a parallel process where supplier submits the Certified BBB-EE certificates and the declarations of interest together with the CSD compliance history report


BitCo (Fibre)


Office Equipment

• AG determined that the awards were made without evidence of certified BBB-EE certificates or signed declarations of interest for the current year
• MDDA had a supplier database which contains the BBB-EE and SBD 4 forms of suppliers but these forms were not for the current year.
• MDDA utilized CSD registration forms which included all this information.

MDDA followed National Treasury Instruction Note 4A which stated that
• 3.1.1 the current supply chain systems and policies of their respective organs of state are aligned with the provision of this SCM instruction note
• 3.1.2 Price Quotations are invited and accepted from prospective suppliers listed on the CSD and
• 3.1.3 Key information of prospective suppliers is verified on the CSD in line with PFMA and regulatory requirements.
therefore as this information was contained in the report BBB-EE certificates and SBD4 forms were not requested

MDDA has resolved to conduct a parallel process where supplier submits the Certified BBB-EE certificates and the declarations of interest together with the CSD compliance history report


One World Human Capital


professional services

• AG determined that the awards were made without evidence of certified BBB-EE certificates or signed declarations of interest for the current year
• MDDA had a supplier database which contains the BBB-EE and SBD 4 forms of suppliers but these forms were not for the current year.
• MDDA utilized CSD registration forms which included all this information.

MDDA followed National Treasury Instruction Note 4A which stated that
• 3.1.1 the current supply chain systems and policies of their respective organs of state are aligned with the provision of this SCM instruction note
• 3.1.2 Price Quotations are invited and accepted from prospective suppliers listed on the CSD and
• 3.1.3 Key information of prospective suppliers is verified on the CSD in line with PFMA and regulatory requirements.
therefore as this information was contained in the report BBB-EE certificates and SBD4 forms were not requested

MDDA has resolved to conduct a parallel process where supplier submits the Certified BBB-EE certificates and the declarations of interest together with the CSD compliance history report





• AG determined that the awards were made without evidence of certified BBB-EE certificates or signed declarations of interest for the current year
• MDDA had a supplier database which contains the BBB-EE and SBD 4 forms of suppliers but these forms were not for the current year.
• MDDA utilized CSD registration forms which included all this information.

MDDA followed National Treasury Instruction Note 4A which stated that
• 3.1.1 the current supply chain systems and policies of their respective organs of state are aligned with the provision of this SCM instruction note
• 3.1.2 Price Quotations are invited and accepted from prospective suppliers listed on the CSD and
• 3.1.3 Key information of prospective suppliers is verified on the CSD in line with PFMA and regulatory requirements.
therefore as this information was contained in the report BBB-EE certificates and SBD4 forms were not requested

MDDA has resolved to conduct a parallel process where supplier submits the Certified BBB-EE certificates and the declarations of interest together with the CSD compliance history report


One World human Capital


professional services

• AG determined that the awards were made without evidence of certified BBB-EE certificates or signed declarations of interest for the current year
• MDDA had a supplier database which contains the BBB-EE and SBD 4 forms of suppliers but these forms were not for the current year.
• MDDA utilized CSD registration forms which included all this information.

MDDA followed National Treasury Instruction Note 4A which stated that
• 3.1.1 the current supply chain systems and policies of their respective organs of state are aligned with the provision of this SCM instruction note
• 3.1.2 Price Quotations are invited and accepted from prospective suppliers listed on the CSD and
• 3.1.3 Key information of prospective suppliers is verified on the CSD in line with PFMA and regulatory requirements.
therefore as this information was contained in the report BBB-EE certificates and SBD4 forms were not requested

MDDA has resolved to conduct a parallel process where supplier submits the Certified BBB-EE certificates and the declarations of interest together with the CSD compliance history report





Source file