Question NW84 to the Minister of Communications

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12 March 2018 - NW84

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

(a) What was the total number of television licence holders (i) in each of the past six financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2017, (b) what number of the specified licence holders paid the licence fees, (c) what amount is currently outstanding in television licence fees and (d) what total amount in debt flowing from unpaid television licences was written off in each of the specified financial years?


a) What was the total number of television licence holders (i) in each of the past six financial years


Fin Year

Total mil


8 717 955


8 823 127


9 120 476


9 409 545


9 219 418


8 747 857

(ii) Since 1 April 2017: 9 011 034.

b) The licence holders who have paid the licence fees paid in full is: 2 605 966 and those that are paying monthly/part payments: 539 693.

c) The amount which is currently outstanding in television licence fees is R25 588 801 443 billion (debts over 3 years).

d) The TV Licences write offs of unpaid debt on “invalid” accounts in FY2016/17 was 1 001 188 accounts with a rand value of R4 522 106 billion. There were no write offs of debts in the previous financial years.

Approved/ not approved


Mrs Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane MP,



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