Question NW470 to the Minister of Basic Education

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09 March 2018 - NW470

Profile picture: Dudley, Ms C

Dudley, Ms C to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(a)What is the process that the draft Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill will follow going forward and (b) at which points in the process will there be additional opportunities for public participation?


a) A task team consisting of officials from the Department of Basic Education (DBE) and Provincial Education Departments (PEDs) was established to consider the comments that were received from the public. The task team has started with its work and is currently busy considering the comments. The comments will on merit be incorporated in the Bill.

The Bill will be re-drafted and submitted to the Minister, Heads of Education Departments Committee (HEDCOM) and Council of Education Ministers (CEM) for approval and will then be tabled at NEDLAC for further input and discussion. The Bill will thereafter be submitted to the Office of the Chief State Law Advisor for final certification whereafter it will be submitted to Cabinet for approval. The Bill will then be tabled in Parliament.

b) There will be additional opportunities for public participation once the Bill is tabled in Parliament.

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