Question NW3050 to the Minister of Police

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07 September 2015 - NW3050

Profile picture: Kohler, Ms D

Kohler, Ms D to ask the Minister of Police

(1)On whose authority did Mr Solomon Makgale release a media statement that the Provincial SA Police Service Commissioners have full confidence in the National Commissioner; (2) did the National Police Commissioner sign off on the statement; (3) did the National Police Commissioner give an order that any of the nine Provincial Commissioners must sign the specified statement; if so, to which of the Provincial Commissioners did she give such an order; (4) (a) how many Provincial Commissioners did not wish to have their names attached to the document and (b) what are the relevant details in this regard?


  1. The Board of Commissioners.
  2. No.
  3. No. The statement was signed off by all the 9 Provincial Commissioners.

(4)(a) None.

(4)(b) Not applicable.

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