Question NW2556 to the Minister of Social Development

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04 September 2015 - NW2556

Profile picture: Kopane, Ms SP

Kopane, Ms SP to ask the Minister of Social Development

(1)With reference to her reply to oral question 79 on 18 March 2015, where are each of the nine provincial substance abuse fora situated; (2) whether the Central Drug Authority (CDA) has a plan of action to encourage the Government and private institutions to compile strategies to address substance abuse in line with the goals of the National Drug Master Plan; if not, why not; (3) how does the CDA incorporate the findings on substance abuse as a means to direct prevention and rehabilitation programmes?


  1. The nine provincial substance abuse fora; are situated at each provincial Department of Social Development (in nine provinces of the country); which are: Eastern Cape (Bisho), Gauteng (Johannesburg), Free State (Bloemfontein), Northern Cape (Kimberly), Mpumalanga (Nelspruit), Kwa-Zulu Natal (Pietermaritzburg), Northwest (Mafikeng), Limpopo (Polokwane) and Western Cape (Cape Town) provinces. The Secretariat function of all the nine Substance Abuse fora resides within the Department of Social Development as it leads the coordination of the forums.
  2. Yes, the Central Drug Authority (CDA) has a plan of action to encourage the

Government departments, private institutions, Provincial Substance Abuse Forums and Local Drug Action Committees to compile strategies to address substance abuse in line with the goals of the National Drug Master Plan 2013 – 2017 (NDMP). The CDA has on an ongoing basis guided the above mentioned structures to develop and implement strategies to address the scourge of substance abuse within respective areas of operation. These strategies focus on Demand Reduction, Supply Reduction and Harm Reduction. The CDA has also visited Provincial Legislatures in some provinces (Eastern Cape and Gauteng) in order to solicit political support in the implementation of the National Drug Master Plan 2013-2017. CDA is still awaiting the response of other provinces in this regard.

Government departments, Provincial Substance Abuse Forums and the Local Drug Action Committees submit their six monthly and annual reports to the CDA in accordance with their Drug Master Plans.

3. In 2011, the CDA held the 2nd Biennial Summit which was preceded by provincial summits and a house- hold survey. CDA used the information and facts gathered together with resolutions of the summit to develop the National Drug Master Plan 2013-2017. The resolutions of the summit were further used to develop an Integrated Anti-Substance Abuse Programme of Action. Subsequently, the CDA focused on the preparation for the 3rd Biennial Anti-Substance Abuse Summit, which is envisaged to take place in the 2015/2016 financial year. This planned summit will review the past resolutions.

An evaluative study was conducted on Ke Moja education and awareness programme, and the findings were used to review this programme. CDA held a Substance Abuse Treatment Symposium, with a view of developing treatment strategy which will guide the development and implementation of standardized treatment programmes. Community Based Services Model, After Care and Reintegration Model, Anti-Substance Abuse Prevention Model for adults and Treatment Model; were developed based on the current situation in the country. Annually CDA compile a report to inform government interventions to combat substance abuse.

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