Question NW2768 to the Minister of Basic Education

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05 October 2017 - NW2768

Profile picture: Waters, Mr M

Waters, Mr M to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)With regard to her reply to question 1571 on 25 September 2014, has the construction of the Esselen Park Primary School commenced; if not, (a) why not and (b) on what date will the construction commence; if so, what is the projected date of completion; (2) whether the commencement dates of construction as stipulated in the specified reply are being moved forward for (a) New Birch Acres Primary School and (b) Clayville Primary School; if so, (i) what are the new commencement dates in each case and (ii) by what dates are both schools expected to open?



(a) No, construction has not commenced due to budgetary constraints.

(b) The current project status is at feasibility stage and the start date is estimated for 01 April 2020 and completion date is estimated for 20 April 2022.


(a) The estimated start date for the construction of New Birch Acres Primary is 24/10/2017 and the project is on target to commence on the said date.

(b) Construction for Clayville Primary School is estimated to start on 15/02/2020.

(i) Commencement date for New Birch Acres has not changed and for Clayville Primary School start date is 15/02/2020.

(ii) Opening dates cannot be confirmed at this stage; however, the completion dates are estimated for 31 June 2019 for New Birch Acres and 15 May2022 for Clayville Primary School.

Project name

Project Status

Date: Start

Date: Finish

New Birch Acres Primary School




Clayville Primary School

Project Inception



Esselenpark Primary School




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