Question NW2101 to the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION

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06 September 2017 - NW2101

Profile picture: Ketabahle, Ms V

Ketabahle, Ms V to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesQUESTION

(a) How and (b) by whom are the input supply programmes and/or projects of the farmer support programmes managed?


a) and b) The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries through the Branch Food Security and Agrarian Reform manages the input supply programme of DAFF as follows:

(i) The Chief Directorate Food Security is responsible for policy formulation, development of the norms and standards for farmer support and development, coordination of the food security interventions by other government departments, SADC and other stakeholders as well as reporting on progress made by all stakeholders.

(ii) The Chief Directorate CASP is responsible for programme management and coordination of CASP and Ilima/Letsema conditional grants to ensure compliance to the Division of Revenue Act by DAFF and implementing provincial departments of agriculture. The chief directorate ensures that the provinces adhere to the standard operating procedures of the conditional grants as well as ensures that Directorates within DAFF whose mandates are funded by the conditional grants are part of the national assessment panel which agree on the guiding framework for the grants, evaluates the provincial business plans and monitors implementation of approved plans. The chief directorate prepares reports on implementation of conditional grants CASP and Ilima/Letsema and provide strategic advice and support to implementing provinces.

(iii) The Chief Directorate Sector Capacity Building is responsible for the development of the norms and standards for farmer training and capacity building as well as the standard operating producer on how farmers should be capacitated. The chief directorate monitors training programmes planned and implemented by provinces to support farmers as well as progress made in revitalizing colleges of agriculture.

(iv) The Chief Directorate Extension and Advisory services develops policies, norms and standards for provision of extension support in provinces and monitors implementation of the extension recovery plan funded through CASP.

The other branches within DAFF provide the specialist advisory services for animal production, crop production, marketing and agro-processing. These directorates participate in the national assessment panel as well as in monitoring implementation of projects and programmes falling within their mandates. Below link is a diagrammatic representation of directorates involved in farmer support and development.


Directorate Crop Production

Directorate Engineering Services

Directorate Water Use and Irrigation development

Directorate Smallholder

Directorate Programme Development Support

Directorate Training and Capacity Building

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