Question NW1775 to the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

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19 July 2017 - NW1775

Profile picture: Purdon, Mr RK

Purdon, Mr RK to ask the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services

Does (a) he, (b) his Deputy Minister or (c) any of the heads of entities or bodies reporting to him make use of security services paid for by the State for (i) him/herself, (ii) his/her immediate family members or (iii) any of their staff members; in each case (aa) what are the reasons for it, (bb) from which department or entity’s budget is the security services being paid, and (cc) what are the relevant details?


I have been informed by the entities as follows:

(a) (i) The Minister does utilize for himself security services paid for by the state.

(ii) No

(iii) No

(aa) It is for security as provided for in the Ministerial Handbook.

(bb) The South African Police Services.

(cc) Static protectors at the private residence in Pretoria and VIP Driver/Protectors as provided in the Ministerial Handbook

(b) (i) The Deputy Minister does utilise the security services paid for by the state for herself.

(ii) No

(iii) No

(aa) In respect of the Deputy Minister the security services are provided for appropriate security as provided for in the Ministerial Handbook.

(bb) The budget is from SAPS.

(cc) Deputy Minister is provided two static protectors at the state residences she occupies in Pretoria and in Cape Town.  She is also provided with two VIP security drivers when she is in Cape Town, Pretoria or any other province she visits from time to time.

(c) (iii) SITA is the only entity that has indicated that during the 2016/17 financial year they have provided security services to one of its employee.

(aa) The employee was required to testify in a disciplinary hearing and had received threats.

(bb) The payment was made from SITA’s physical security cost centre budget, within the existing contract with the physical security provider, Enforce.

(cc) A relief guard was utilized for half a day to protect the employee. No additional expenses had been incurred.

Approved/Not Approved


Dr Siyabonga Cwele, MP

Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services


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