Question NW1486 to the Minister of Environmental Affairs

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19 June 2017 - NW1486

Profile picture: Kruger, Mr HC

Kruger, Mr HC to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

Whether (a) her Department and (b) each entity reporting to her procured any services from and/or made any payments to (i) a certain company (name furnished) or (ii) any other public relations firms; if not, in each case, why not; if so, in each case, what (aa) services were procured, (bb) was the total cost, (cc) is the detailed breakdown of such costs, (dd) was the total amount paid, (ee) was the purpose of the payments, and (ff) is the detailed breakdown of such payments?


(a) No

(i) Not applicable.

(ii) Not applicable.

(aa) Not applicable.

(bb) Not applicable.

(cc) Not applicable.

(dd) Not applicable.

(ee) Not applicable.

(ff) Not applicable.

(b) Public Entities

South African National Parks (SANParks)

(i) No. SANParks has not procured any such services.

(ii) No. SANParks uses its own internal resources for communications and public relations work.

(aa) Not applicable.

(bb) Not applicable.

(cc) Not applicable.

(dd) Not applicable.

(ee) Not applicable.

(ff) Not applicable.

South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI)

(i) No. SANBI has not procured any such services.

(ii) SANBI procured the services of Hippo Communication.

(aa) Hippo Communication services were procured to promote Kirstenbosch’s events through the media, including the Kirstenbosch Summer Sunset concerts.

(bb) The total cost to Hippo Communication is R38 775.96.

(cc) The detailed breakdown of such costs is as follows:

  • Monthly retainer for April 2017: R12 127.32.
  • Monthly retainer for May 2017: R12 127.32.
  • Monthly retainer for June 2017: R12 127.32.
  • Facebook boosts to advertise Kirstenbosch Summer Sunset Concerts in March, was invoiced in April 2017: R2 394.00.

(dd) The total amount paid so far is R26 648.64 (Invoice for June retainer is still to be paid).

(ee) The Kirstenbosch events office uses the Public Relations agency called Hippo Communications to help promote Kirstenbosch’s events through the media, including the Kirstenbosch Summer Sunset concerts, SANBI’s Kirstenbosch-South Africa Chelsea Flower Show exhibit, and the Kirstenbosch Winter Wonders campaign.

(ff) The detailed breakdown of such payments is as follows:

  • Monthly retainer for April 2017: R12 127.32 was paid on 23 March 2017.
  • Monthly retainer for May 2017: R12 127.32 was paid on 10 May 2017.
  • Facebook boosts to advertise Kirstenbosch Summer Sunset Concerts in March, invoiced in April 2017 (R2 394.00), was paid on 24 April 2017.


(i) No. Isimangaliso has not procured any such services.

(ii) No. Isimangaliso uses its own internal resources for communications and public relations work.

(aa) Not applicable.

(bb) Not applicable.

(cc) Not applicable.

(dd) Not applicable.

(ee) Not applicable.

(ff) Not applicable.

South African Weather Service (SAWS)

(i) SAWS has not procured any such services.

(ii) We have procured the services from Litha Communications in January 2017.

aa) We procured support for Corporate Communications and Stakeholder Relations Management from Litha Communications.

(bb) SAWS has a 12 months contract with Litha Communications for a total cost of R1.14m.

(cc) January –March 2017 (511 hrs)

  • Research current SAWS documents and reports.
  • Compile Strategies: Stakeholder Relations, Media and Communications Strategy.
  • Crisis communications, Interim communication Plan.
  • Community needs survey.

April-June 2017 (320 hrs)

  • Update Media and Communications Strategy.
  • Development of a Corporate Resource Mobilisation Strategy.
  • Development of a CSI Strategy.
  • Development of a 5-year Marketing Strategy and Implementation Plan.
  • Public Relations (media briefings, content, advisory articles etc.).

July-September 2017 (285 hrs):

  • Roll-out of approved 5 year Marketing Plan.
  • Roll-out of approved strategies.
  • Public Relations (media briefings, content, advisory articles, etc.).
  • Stakeholder Relations (meetings, invitations, partnerships, etc.).
  • Resource mobilisation strategy (monthly action list and recommendations).

October-December 2017 (229 hrs):

  • Public Relations (media briefings, content, advisory articles, etc.).
  • Finalisation of the relevant strategies and preparations for Board approvals.
  • Roll-out of approved strategies.
  • Stakeholder Relations (meetings, invitations, partnerships, etc.).

(dd) To date, SAWS has paid R434 350 to Litha Communications (for the period: January-March 2017).

(ee) Purpose of the payments:

  • Drafting of Media and Communications Strategy.
  • Conduct SAWS Stakeholder Research.
  • Positioning and messaging support to SAWS stakeholders.
  • Development of a SAWS Media and Communications Strategy.
  • Development of a SAWS Stakeholder Engagement Strategy.
  • Development of a Commercial Marketing Plan for the Agricultural Sector.
  • Capturing of community weather needs from completed survey questionnaires..

(ff) January 2017: R123 250.

February 2017: R175 100.

March 2017: R136 000.


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