Question NW884 to the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

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08 May 2017 - NW884

Profile picture: Van Der Walt, Ms D

Van Der Walt, Ms D to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

(1)With reference to the outcome of the 2014 disciplinary case against a certain official (name and details furnished) for tender fraud committed in 2012, (a) what are the details of the charges, (b) what is the total amount the specified person has to pay back and (c) what amount has the person paid to date; (2) Was a criminal case opened with the SA Police Service against the specified person; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) (a) what is the specified person’s current position and (b) does the person still participate in tender procedures?


The response below was provided by the municipality:

1. (a) The details of the charges are as follows:

Charge 1 - Misconduct by providing the Mayor and Council with false statement or evidence.

Charge 2 - Misconduct with regard to the sourcing of quotations for the purchase of transformer. The official intentionally and /or deliberately concealed the quotation of one of the service provider which was R600 000.00 less than the appointed service provider; thereby causing the municipality to suffer financial loss in the amount of R600 000.00.

Charge 3 - Failure to verify SARS status before submitting the invoice to the Municipal Manager and CFO.

Charge 4 - Contravention of section 195 of the Constitution.

Charge 5 - Gross negligent for his recommendation of Makgoleng Trading Enterprise

(b) The total amount to be paid back is R392 107.00.

(c) The amount which has been paid to date is R136 163.36.

(2) No criminal case was opened. The Department is still awaiting for the municipality to provide the reason(s) why a criminal case was not opened with the SA Police Service.

(3) (a) The official’s employment contract expired on the 30 March 2017.

     (b) No

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