Question NW180 to the Minister of Social Development

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05 April 2017 - NW180

Profile picture: Masango, Ms B

Masango, Ms B to ask the Minister of Social Development

(a) What was the purpose of her trip to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in January 2017, (b)(i) who accompanied her on the specified trip and (ii) what are each person’s professional designations and (c) who and/or which department(s) paid for the costs of (i) the trip and (ii) those accompanying her?


a) The 9th African Union Gender Pre-Summit on ‘Harnessing the demographic dividend through investments in the youth by empowering young people, especially young women for leadership and civic participation.

b) Ms Ingrid Mohai – Parliamentary Officer

    Ms Lumka Oliphant – Chief Director: Communications

c) Social Development covered costs for transport, accommodation, flights and S&T advance.

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