Question NW2862 to the Minister of Basic Education

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18 August 2015 - NW2862

Profile picture: Lovemore, Ms AT

Lovemore, Ms AT to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)Whether the vocational curriculum currently being developed will address the needs of learners at primary school level; if not, why not; (2) what are the relevant details of how schools for learners with special needs are expected to adapt the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement in order to allow effective teaching of learners in the specified schools?



  1. The Skills and Vocational Curriculum currently being developed will address the needs of learners at primary school level, as it is the curriculum which would lead to an exit level qualification at NQF Level 1. The Skills and Vocational Curriculum is being developed at two levels:

(a) A Skills and Vocational Curriculum aligned to the National Curriculum Statement, Grades R to 12, to meet the needs of learners who experience barriers to learning (including learners with moderate intellectual disability) at Grade 6 to 9 level;

(b) A Skills and Vocational Curriculum (also CAPS aligned) to meet the needs of learners with severe intellectual disability at Grade R to 5 level.

2) Both curricula will provide clarity to schools for learners with special needs on how to adapt the National Curriculum Statement for learners with intellectual disability who struggle to meet the academic requirements of the National Curriculum Statement. Apart from the General Subjects (Language, Mathematics and Life Skills) which are adapted to be more functional and practical and less abstract, the Skills and Vocational Subjects are introduced to prepare learners more effectively for the world of work. For learners who do not have cognitive impairments, the Guidelines for Responding to Diversity in the Classroom and the Policy on Screening, Identification, Assessment and Support will be used to adapt the curriculum to meet their individual needs.

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