Question NW2492 to the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

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08 December 2016 - NW2492

Profile picture: Holomisa, Mr BH

Holomisa, Mr BH to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(1)With reference to the summary report which indicates that her department is still busy with investigations of irregular expenditure that occurred in 2015-16 financial year, (a) how far have the specified investigations gone and (b) by what date can a report on the specified investigations be expected; (2) what steps has she taken with regard to her department’s disregard of the recommendations of the Auditor-General and concerns of the Portfolio Committee on Defence; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) what steps is her department taking to ensure that there is no poor performance with regard to rendering services to the destitute military veterans whilst the officials of the department receive performance bonuses; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) does her department have a policy to hold officials personally responsible for delinquency or dereliction of duties; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (5) how does her department justify the approval of bonuses while there are outstanding performance contracts?


(1) with reference to the summary report which indicates that her department is still busy with investigations of irregular expenditure that occurred in 2015-16 financial year, (a) how far have the specified investigations gone and (b) by what date can a report on the specified investigations be expected;


(1)(a) The Financial Misconduct Committee of DMV is busy considering each of the incidents. They will be reported to the Accounting Officer for action.

(1)(b) Scopa has given the Department till the middle of January to report on the investigations and consequent management actions taken. The Accounting Officer is aiming to complete these actions by the 15 January 2017.

(2) what steps has she taken with regard to her department’s disregard of the recommendations of the Auditor-General and concerns of the Portfolio Committee on Defence; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;


(2) I am not aware of what issues the Honourable Member is referring to. However the Portfolio Committee has developed a dashboard of issues for the department to report on and the department is following this plan.

Question (3)

What steps is her department taking to ensure that there is no poor performance with regard to rendering services to the destitute military veterans whilst the officials of the department receive performance bonuses; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;

Response: I have ensured that a full complement of DDGs, a new CFO and an acting DG have been appointed. They have entered into performance agreements to which they are being held responsible.

The department is in the process of reviewing the organisational structure to address capacity issues. In addition to that the department has developed its service delivery model to enhance service delivery.

(4) does her department have a policy to hold officials personally responsible for delinquency or dereliction of duties; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;


(4) The Department utilises the Public Service Prescripts; Public Service Act, SMS Handbook and Public Service Regulations to hold officials accountable. Regarding Finance and Supply Chain Management the PFMA and National Treasury Regulations are utilised.

(5) how does her department justify the approval of bonuses while there are outstanding performance contracts?

Response: The level 1-12 employees were paid performance bonuses after being assessed by their respective managers and supervisors. The department did not award performance bonuses for SMS Members. By direction of the then Acting Director-General employees were instructed to submit their Performance Agreements. All except one SMS member have submitted Performance Agreement by 1 December 2016.


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