Question NW1800 to the Minister of Basic Education

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27 September 2016 - NW1800

Profile picture: Figlan, Mr AM

Figlan, Mr AM to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)What was the (a) salary and (b) performance bonus of the Chief Executive Officer of the National Education Evaluation and Development Unit (NEEDU) in the (i) 2012-13, (ii) 2013-14, (iii) 2014-15 and (iv) 2015-16 financial years; (2) (a) what reports is the NEEDU currently working on and (b) when is each specified report due (i) for completion and (ii) to be released publicly?


Question 1(a)

The annual salary of the Chief Executive Officer for NEEDU in different financial years was as follows:

Financial Year

Annual Salary


R1 111 745


R1 280 730


R1 353 732


R112 811

* The Chief Executive Officer for NEEDU, Dr Nick Talyor, left in April 2015 and the new Chief Executive Officer was not appointed.

Question 1(b)

There was no performance bonus for the Chief Executive Officer of NEEDU during his tenure.

Question 2 (a)

NEEDU is conducting systemic evaluation to prepare a report on the quality of curriculum delivery in special schools.

Question 2 (b) (i)

NEEDU is investigating the kind of support that different role players in the education sector (i.e. the Department of Basic Education, Provincial Departments of Education, districts and schools) give to learners in special schools, to ensure that learners experiencing barriers to learning and who require intense levels of support may have access to quality education.

Systemic investigations at the national office, Provincial Departments of Education, districts and schools regarding the adequacy, appropriateness and quality educational provision for learners with special needs, and how special schools are supported by the districts and provincial offices to function effectively, will be completed in November 2016.

Large volumes of both quantitative and qualitative data are being collected at all levels of the system. To save costs, the analysis of data will not be outsourced but will be done in-house. This is a labour-intensive and time-consuming exercise. It is anticipated that the final report will be submitted to the Minister in May 2018.

Question 2 (b) (ii)

Upon receipt of the NEEDU Report, in line with the provision of section 7(1)(g) of the Regulations for the Establishment of the Office of Standards and Compliance for Basic Education (OSCBE), currently known as NEEDU, “the Minister may publish the report.” This provision empowers the Minister to publish NEEDU reports at her discretion.

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