Question NW532 to the Minister of Basic Education

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15 March 2016 - NW532

Profile picture: Whitfield, Mr AG

Whitfield, Mr AG to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What is the current status of proposed testing of matric markers nationwide?


The Department of Basic Education ([)BE) has not excluded from its considerations for the future the testing of matric markers. The DBE is commit1ed to ensuring that the most competent educators are appointed for the marking process and. therefore. this option will be pursued based on more extensive consultation with the teacher formation s. that are vital to the success of this initiative. In view of the concern expressed by one of the major Unions in the country, it was therefore considered necessary to consult more widely with all the national teacher Unions on this very important measure that will be used to evaluate the competency level of the educators appointed.

However. it also needs to be noted that the implementation or the competency test will not resolve all the quality issues relating to marking. The competency test is only but one measure to improve the quality of marking. The Department is embarking on a whole range of initiatives to improve the accuracy and reliability of marking for which Umalusi has commended the Department.

These quality assurance measures include the following:

(a) Markers are appointed based on stringent criteria relating to teaching experience and qualification. and this is accompanied by a report on the Grade 12 performance of the prospective marker and his/her performance in the previous marking session/s.

(b) The DBE has conducted and ''ill continue to conduct an audit of al l marker appointments across all Provincial Education Departments (PEDs) to ensure that all PEDs comply strictly with the criteria for appointing markers.

(c) During the training of markers, markers are presented with the actual learner scripts and markers are authorised to mark only if they demonstrate they are capable of complying with the tolerance range allowed for specific paper.

(d) The tolerance Range is also used during the moderation process whereby the mark awarded by the moderator and the marker should not vary beyond an agreed range.

(c) Marking is followed b) an intensive moderation process which ensures that script are moderated by a senior marker who is in turn, overseen by the Deputy Chief Marker and the final quality control is the responsibility of the Chief Marker.

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