Question NW430 to the Minister of Basic Education

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11 September 2024 - NW430

Profile picture: Christians, Ms DC

Christians, Ms DC to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What are the relevant details of her immediate priorities to address the ongoing challenges of the (a) lack of school infrastructure, including libraries and science laboratories, and (b) eradication of all pit toilets in the short term?


(a) The sector priorities in relation to the provision of infrastructure are articulated in the Regulations Relating to Minimum Uniform Norms and Standards for Public School Infrastructure. These are; 

1. Schools that do not have access to any form of power supply, water supply or sanitation; 

2. All buildings built entirely or substantially from materials such as mud, asbestos, metal and wood; 

3. Schools that do not have sufficient classrooms to accommodate learners enrolled in the schools; 

4. Schools that do not have adequate perimeter fencing; 

5. Schools that do not have the relevant minimum education areas for an enabling school environment. These includes libraries and laboratories.

(b) The Department initiated a Sanitation Appropriate For Education (SAFE) initiative in 2018. The purpose of SAFE was to eradicate basic pit toilets. At inception Provincial Education Departments indicated that 3 898 schools were using basic pit toilets. This number later increased to 4 707 and only 3 375 SAFE projects could proceed to implementation. To date 3 116 projects have been completed and the plan is to complete the remaining 259 by March 2025.

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