Question NW395 to the Minister of Basic Education

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03 September 2024 - NW395

Profile picture: Mashabela, Ms N

Mashabela, Ms N to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Considering the emphasis on strengthening teacher training and development, what specific (a) initiatives and (b) resources are put in place and dedicated to improve the skills and qualifications of educators, especially in disadvantaged regions and (c) measures are used to assess the impact of these initiatives and/or interventions on the quality of teaching and learning outcomes?


a) The Department of Basic Education (DBE) has identified national priorities for Teacher Development for a three-year circle. In 2024/25 the following initiatives/priorities are being addressed:

  • Learning Recovery Programme
  • Sign Language
  • Reading
  • Digital Skills – Remote learning, teaching and training (Skills for the Changing World)
  • Foundation Phase & Intermediate Phase Mathematics/Numeracy
  • Novice Teachers’ Induction and Mentoring
  • ECD; and
  • Occupational and Vocational subjects content.

b) DBE is currently working with the EDTP SETA to strengthen the policy framework through the review of the Integrated Strategic Planning Framework for Teacher Education and Development (ISPFTED) and the National Framework for Teacher Education and Development (NFTED). DBE has strengthening collaboration with DHET to improve the quality of programmes and instituting induction programme. The Provincial Education Departments have the Skills Levy that is used to roll-out programmes. They also allocate a portion of the voted funds. DBE has also developed a Strategy for Coordination and Resourcing of Continuing Professional Teacher Development (CPTD) programmes which will assist PEDs and DBE in coordination the use of skills development funding. Provinces have also established Provincial Teacher Development Institutes and District Teacher Development Centres as local hubs for professional development. These hubs are in all education districts in the country. They are supported by DBE partners such as Vodacom to equip and connect them. Teachers use these hubs for training as well as to access digital programmes and materials. DBE has also expanded access through online Teacher Development platform and strengthening the institutional mechanisms (Including the National Institute for Curriculum and Professional Development (NICPD). Furthermore, DBE together with PEDs have established Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). DBE also works with the Teacher Union Collaboration (TUC) programme where Teacher Unions rollout critical CPTD Programmes. Through Funza Lushaka, the Department funded and supplied the sector with teachers in different phases with the following throughput:  For Intermediate and Senior/FET Phases the subjects provided are Mathematics, Science, Technology, Engineering. For Foundation Phase we provide teachers with Language and Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy.

c) The Department has developed impact assessment tools to determine the impact of CPTD programmes. Furthermore, DBE collaborates with the National Education Collaboration Trust (NECT), VVOB and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) such as Cape Peninsula University of Technology, University of Johannesburg (UJ), etc.

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