Question NW393 to the Minister of Health

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08 March 2024 - NW393

Profile picture: Shaik Emam, Mr AM

Shaik Emam, Mr AM to ask the Minister of Health

(1)What measures is his department putting in place to accommodate the more than 1 000 medical graduates who have completed their community service and remain unemployed; (2) whether his department has succeeded in acquiring additional funding from the National Treasury as previously alluded to by him, in order to accommodate the specified graduates; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


1. The Provincial Departments of Health had already advertised 823 since December 2023 and have reported projections of 1103 Medical Officer appointments by 1st April 2024. In monitoring the progress and supporting the provinces, regular discussions are held between the National Department of Health and Provinces.

2. Additional budget of R3.7 billion has been allocated towards compensation of employees in the health sector for the financial year 2024/25 to address the wage bill increase and recruitment of additional staff including nurses and medical doctors.


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