Question NW784 to the Minister of Transport

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04 April 2016 - NW784

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Transport

(a) How many comments have been received in response to her department’s call for comments on its National Rail Policy Green Paper, (b)(i) who and/or (ii) which organisations submitted comments, (c)(i) how are the comments being considered and (ii) by whom and (d)(i) what criteria are used to consider incorporating a comment in the final version of the specified policy and (ii) by when will such comments be incorporated into the final policy?


a) Sixteen (16) formal written comments were received from stakeholders before the closing date indicated in the Government Gazette. These included Government Departments, State-Owned Entities & Agencies; the private sector, municipalities, and professionals (individually). It should also be noted that separate provincial consultations sessions were held, and inputs from these sessions were also considered.

b)(i)(ii) City of Cape town; Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (Western Cape); Saldanha Bay Municipality; Department of Transport and Public Works (Western Cape); SALGA; Railway Safety Regulator; PRASA; Chambers of Mines; National Transport Forum; Transnet; Imana Development ; Rail Road Association; Sheltam Pty Ltd; EXXARO; NCT Forestry.

c)(i) Comments that were additions to the policy positions proposed in the Green Paper will be considered for inclusion in the draft White Paper on National Rail Policy. Comments for further work to be done were noted and are currently being investigated further. Bilateral are being held with organisations where clarity is being sort on comments submitted.

(ii)The Department consolidated and reviewed all comments submitted by stakeholders.

d)(i) All inputs submitted to the Department are considered valuable and has been considered in the development of the draft White Paper on National Rail Policy. The criteria for revision considers evidence-based policy positions, inputs that are plausible, without scientific evidence and policy views that are contrary to what the Green Paper proposed. Inputs are discussed with critical stakeholders to reach understanding and consensus on the policy positions where possible.

(ii) All inputs, pending the outcome of the investigation and engagement with critical stakeholders, where relevant, will be included in the draft White Paper by October 2016.

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