Question NW4192 to the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity
04 January 2024 - NW4192
Essack, Mr F to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity
(1)What total number of kilometres of the transmission lines in the Eskom transmission network (a) have already reached their life expectancy, (b) will reach their life expectancy and (c) are due for replacement in the 202324 financial year?
(1) Transmission owns and operates over 33 245 circuit kilometres of power lines, and regularly conducts asset health reviews on all its infrastructure, including the power lines, using international benchmark standards. Our last power lines condition assessment report was published in 2021 (the next revision is due in March 2024). The response below applies to the 2023/24 financial year:
(a) Transmission’s asset management approach prescribes that power lines do not generally reach life expectancy to the extent that they must be completely rebuilt. It is the transmission line components that reach the end of life and that are replaced. This applies to conductors, insulators, towers (steelworks), foundations and hardware. Therefore, individual parts are assessed for their performance and risk, and replaced or refurbished as needed.
Only when critical structural components such as foundations and/or tower member steel are condemned would an entire power line be deemed to have reached its expected life. A refurbishment or replacement project for such a power line would then be initiated.
(b)Same response as above.
(c) Projects are classified into two groups: Projects to address the end-of-life components, and projects to address the performance of lines.
- End of life component: 23 lines, 1 105 circuit kilometres are currently being worked on with a total value of R523 million.
- Performance: 28 lines, 2 358 circuit kilometres are currently being worked on (majority is bird guards in hotspot areas), total value R129 million.
More projects are planned for future years as Transmission continuously reviews the status of its transmission lines.