Question NW3424 to the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

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13 December 2023 - NW3424

Profile picture: Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN

Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

What are the reasons his department failed to develop internal capacity to enable the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) to disburse allowances to students, instead of outsourcing the service to external service providers, as his department is expected to provide such service for the duration of its existence and (b) by what date is it envisaged that his department will have mastered the ability to internally capacitate the NSFAS to be able to do its disbursement of allowances duties?


(a) The Department plays no role in developing internal capacity of NSFAS. Section 9 of the NSFAS Act (No.56 of 1999) refers to the appointment of employee. It states that the board is responsible for the appointment of the Executive Officer who will manage and administer the affairs of the NSFAS under the authority of the board, and perform the functions determined by the board.

(b) The Minister has requested NSFAS to furnish him with a turn-around plan, which includes, amongst others, improving capacity of the entity. Thus far, NSFAS reported that it has appointed a COO who will advise the board on the long-term strategy of disbursement of allowances.

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