Question NW67 to the Minister of Public Service and Administration

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29 March 2016 - NW67

Profile picture: Lovemore, Ms AT

Lovemore, Ms AT to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

What measures he (a) is considering and (b) will implement to achieve a reduction in the public sector wage bill, in each case providing the relevant details in terms of (i) timelines envisaged, (ii) affected (aa) departments and/or (bb) salary grades and (iii) the extent of (aa) possible job losses or (bb) ability to deliver services?


(a) Measures being considered to achieve a reduction in the public sector wage bill include placing a moratorium on the filling of certain managerial and administrative vacancies in the public service.

(b) Relevant details and their implications thereof will only become available once all necessary consultations have been concluded.

(i)(ii)(aa)(bb)(iii)(aa)(bb) Falls away

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