Question NW3862 to the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

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27 November 2023 - NW3862

Profile picture: Marekwa, Ms GP

Marekwa, Ms GP to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

Since a significant amount of the Municipality Infrastructure Grant supports water-related interventions, (a) what Green Drop measures will be implemented to improve sanitation in municipalities with poor ratings and (b) which municipalities are targeted?


a) The Green Drop measures to be implemented, through the Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG), to improve sanitation in municipalities with poor ratings include the following:

  1. The implementation of MIG funded sanitation capital projects to upgrade, repair or refurbish sanitation systems to restore functionality.
  2. The utilization by municipalities of the 5%, a further 5 % as well as 10% of the MIG funding for the Project Management Unit (PMU), activities related to Asset Management Plans and Repairs and Refurbishments respectively that are provided for in the MIG Framework.
  3. The implementation of the MIG Schedule 6B by identifying and implementing projects that address non-compliance notices and directives issued by both the Department of Public Works (DWS) and Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE).
  4. Following the approval by Cabinet in August 2023 of the Action Plan prepared by DWS, the Department of Cooperative Governance (DCOG), the Municipal Infrastructure Support Agent (MISA) to address the Green Drop Report findings in municipalities, among others, DCOG and DWS will reprioritize further portions of the Water Services Infrastructure Grant (WSIG) and the MIG funding over the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) to address the infrastructure interventions required.

b) All the Water Services Authorities that receive the MIG funding will be supported using the MIG funding to either improve on the poor results or maintain the good results in the Green Drop Report of 2022. Metropolitan Municipalities do not receive the MIG.


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