Question NW3019 to the Minister of Public Enterprises
23 November 2023 - NW3019
Cachalia, Mr G K to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises
Whether, in light of the fact that the Transnet Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Ms Portia Derby, allegedly voiced her concerns at a recent Bloomberg event regarding the potential of loss of thousands of jobs in the trucking industry should freight be successfully transferred from the roads to rail (details furnished), he will fire the CEO for the remarks which are arguably tantamount to a gross dereliction of the CEO’s mandate to effect proper rail logistics that enable the flow of commodities to our ports; if not, why not; if so, by what date?
According to the information received from Transnet
Ms Derby’s comments, which were in response to a question from the floor, related to the huge growth in trucking in SA as result of the poor performance of rail and boom in global coal demand, have been taken out of context. The issue raised was what would happen to the trucking industry when rail returned to full operability. (Please refer to the statement issued by the Chairperson of the Board of Directors in this regard, as attached.)
Ms. Portia Derby has since resigned.
Remarks: Reply: Approved / Not Approved
Jacky Molisane P J Gordhan, MP
Acting Director-General Minister
Date: Date: