Question NW3208 to the Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment
27 October 2023 - NW3208
Weber, Ms AMM to ask the Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment
(1) With reference to the green scorpions and/or environmental management inspectors (EM Is) who are the lifeline for the environment and have done incredible work to investigate and resolve serious issues (details furnished), what are the details of the new financial constraints and austerity measures regarding the green scorpions; (2) how has she found that the green scorpions will be effective at compliance, monitoring and enforcement if they are short staffed and do not have enough resources to travel and investigate; (3) (a) what number of vacancies are there in each province and (b) on what date will the vacancies be filled; (4) what are the reasons that her department does not ensure that the EMls have enough resources to ensure they can do their compliance, monitoring and enforcement effectively whilst being short staffed?
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