Question NW2671 to the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture
26 October 2023 - NW2671
Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture
(1). Whether the KwaZulu-Natal Philharmonic Orchestra is occupying the second floor of The Playhouse Company; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so,(a) since what date and (b) what amount is paid in rental to The Playhouse Company. (2). whether the rental amounts have been reflected in the financial statements of both the entities in the relevant financial years; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
1(a). The KZN Philharmonic Orchestra is occupying the 3rd floor Since 1 April 1998.
(b). Towards the end of the 1990s The Playhouse Company reduced its operational size due to funding constrains it was going through. This was in line with what was contained in the Draft White Paper of the Department of Arts, Culture, Science & Technology.
The KZNPO was one of the five artistic companies of the Playhouse Company during that period. As part of the restructuring process the boards of the Playhouse Company and the KZNPO agreed to enter into a mutual benefit relationship (Public Private Partnership) where the orchestra would not take its retrenchment packages in return for a continued working relationship with the Playhouse.
Part of the agreement between the two organisations boards was that the orchestra would use office space on the third floor of The Playhouse’s administration building rent free. This mutually reciprocal working relationship would assist each arts organisation on sustaining itself in order to continue to create jobs for artists and offering artistic services to the community of KZN.
(2). No rental income is received from the KZNPO by The Playhouse Company. Therefore, no rental income is reflected in The Playhouse Company’s AFS.
It must further be noted that The Playhouse Company leases the premises from the Department of Public Works at no charge.