Question NW2277 to the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans:

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21 August 2023 - NW2277

Profile picture: Kohler, Ms D

Kohler, Ms D to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans:

(1) Whether she has been invited to make a submission to the panel probing the docking of the Lady R at Simon’s Town in December 2022; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether she has held any official at Defence Intelligence accountable for allowing the specified ship to dock at Simon’s Town; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


The Department of Defence was invited to make a submission to the panel probing the docking of Lady R in Simon’s town in 2022. The Department of Defence and its entities presented and submitted their version of events and evidence to the panel investigating the docking of Lady R in Simon’s town in 2022.

All invited parties were welcomed to submit any forms of evidence to the panel to assist it to finilize its investigation and to bring this matter to its ultimate conclusion within its mandate. However as stated in previous public statements, No arms were loaded and transported to Russia.