Question NW2124 to the Minister of Public Enterprises

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19 July 2023 - NW2124

Profile picture: Graham-Maré, Ms SJ

Graham-Maré, Ms SJ to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

What are the details of the alternatives that Eskom offers to business, especially small businesses, for them to continue operating as optimally as possible during loadshedding cycles?


According to Information Received from Eskom:

Eskom is currently embarking on various strategies, including revitalising its Energy Advisory Service, to assist customers through these challenging times. In addition, the cost to connect photovoltaic (PV) systems to the grid is being reviewed in terms of affordability and the time it takes to connect.

Eskom is also engaging various businesses and agricultural forums and their members on ways to mitigate the impact of load shedding.

The demand management initiatives that are focused on the industrial, commercial, and agricultural sectors reduce demand during the constraint evening peak periods. Customers benefit from a tariff perspective, whilst Eskom reduces expensive generation costs in the short term while delaying generation expansion in the long term, providing a win-win solution.

Furthermore, Eskom is driving Demand-Side Management (DSM) programmes to guide the industry, including small businesses, on the efficient use of energy and on minimising the impact of load shedding through communication and the dissemination of marketing material.

Remarks: Approved / Not Approved

Jacky Molisane PJ Gordhan, MP

Acting Director-General Minister of Public Enterprises

Date: Date:

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