Question NW2361 to the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

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04 July 2023 - NW2361

Profile picture: Gela, Ms A

Gela, Ms A to ask the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1) With reference to the Fourth Quarter 2022-23 crime statistics that indicated that eight murders, 14 attempted murders, 84 rapes and 238 incidents of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm occurred on the premises of educational facilities, (a) what number of the specified incidents involved (i) learners, (ii) teachers, (iii) coaches and (iv) other staff members, (b) where did each specified incident occur and (c) in what way has her department assisted the SA Police Service in the investigation of the cases; (2) what measures has her department put in place to (a) assist and support the victims of the crimes and (b) ensure the safety and security of all individuals on school premises?


1.The requested information resides with the Provincial Education Departments (PEDs); PEDs are best placed to respond as they are custodians of educational facilities (schools) in provinces. 

2a. School Based Support Teams (SBSTs) provide first level support and in addition to that, the districts provide psycho-social support to learners and staff. Furthermore, the Department collaborates with the sister Government Departments including Social Development, as well as, other relevant Non-Profit Organisations and stakeholder to provide support to learners, educators and other staff members at schools.

2b. Schools effectively implement the School Access Control Policy.  All schools are linked to their local police station (SAPS), as part of the MOU between National SAPS and DBE, this includes visits to schools by SAPS officials who conduct random searches and seizures.