Question NW1037 to the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

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26 June 2023 - NW1037

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

(1) How does he intend to address the digital divide in the Republic, particularly in rural areas and disadvantaged communities, and ensure that all citizens have access to affordable, high-quality broadband services. (2) What initiatives does he intend to implement to (a) encourage the growth of the local technological sector and (b) promote innovation and entrepreneurship in the digital economy? NW1147E


1) To address the digital divide in the Republic, the Department is driving implementation of the SA Connect Phase 2 programme aimed at ensuring affordable and universally accessible broadband nationally to meet the diverse needs of public and private users, including consumers and citizens. The SA Connect Phase 2 programme comprises three connectivity streams:

• Community and Household connectivity.

Broadband Infraco and Sentech will deploy core and access network infrastructure (840 Open Access Base stations, 33 539 community Wi-Fi hotspots and 1 600 VSAT connections in mountainous areas in Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, and Northern Cape provinces. Local Small Medium Micro Enterprises (SMMEs), Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs)

will lease capacity from BBI and Sentech and provide connectivity to targeted 5 830 208 households and through 33 539 Community Wi–Fi hot spots, with the applicable metering and support.

  • • Government Connectivity

SITA is responsible for connecting at a minimum of 10Mbps (total of 14 742 government sites) utilizing existing budgets from line departments for maintenance and the extension of services provided by SITA.

  • • Universal Service Obligations connectivity.

Mobile Network Operators (Telcos) who received IMT spectrum through the recent auction are responsible for the deployment of the USO as per the ITA (Invitation to Apply) conditions. Telcos are required to connect the following facilities:

  • • 18 520 schools
  • • 1764 hospitals and 3967 clinics
  • • 567 libraries and Thusong centres
  • • 8241 traditional and tribal authority centres

(2) As part of their capabilities to deliver, the entities will use existing and new SMMEs and empower new sub-contractors for the programme. Sub-contractors will be sourced from the local communities where the construction will take place. Opportunities exist in route survey, network design, wayleaves, quantity surveys, fibre installation, last mile connections, points of presence (pop) construction, satellite equipment and service provisioning.

The project is estimated to provide employment opportunities for skilled professionals and semi-skilled labour.

The estimated number of SMME opportunities required for the programme are 75 companies for Core Network build, Access Network Service Providers, and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) / Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs).