Question NW1398 to the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

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29 June 2023 - NW1398

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

(1) What are the (a) names of each small-, medium- and micro-enterprise (SMME) that was contracted for the rollout of set-top boxes in line with the Broad Digital Migration of the Republic and (b) amounts for which each SMME was contracted;


(1) Sentech has issued 1 090 appointments to 825 installation companies in different provinces. Some were appointed in different provinces due to capacity.

(1)(a) Names of appointed companies is attached hereto as Annexure A.
(1)(b) Companies are contracted at R450 per successful completed installation for Value Added Tax (VAT) registered companies and R390 non-VAT registered companies.

(2)(a) See Annexure A attached

(2)(b) See Annexure B attached. The defaulting SMMEs have either corrected their conduct and performance or in some instances their contracts were cancelled.

Thank You.