Question NW2452 to the Minister of Social Development

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28 December 2022 - NW2452

Profile picture: Marawu, Ms TL

Marawu, Ms TL to ask the Minister of Social Development

Noting that the State responded to the impact of COVID-19 by increasing grant provision within the Republic, thereby creating a co-dependent civilization, what is her department’s two-year plan in negating a grant dependent nation, and rather providing a sustainable development solution that will allow our people to be independent and create their own wealth?


In line with international standards, South Africa’s Constitution states that everyone has a human right to access to social security.

The Department is proposing a Basic Income Support (BIS) for adults aged 18- 59 as part of the social wage guarantee. This is viewed as key to alleviate poverty and promote development. The grant is likely to start small in value and will need to be complemented by programmes to create growth and jobs, as well as other parts of the social protection package. Ongoing consultations are being held on the draft policy options on Basic Income Support (BIS) with key stakeholders. Among others, these include social grant beneficiaries, DSD and SASSA, International Labour Organisation (ILO), civil society organisations, non-governmental organisations, research institutions, government departments such as Department of Home Affairs (DHA), the National Treasury, and the Presidency.

This proposed programme builds on the highly successful Covid-19 R350 SRD grant. Research findings show that households receiving support enable

individuals to actively seek for work opportunities. Additionally, the research revealed that 93% of beneficiaries use the grant for food. 80% reported that even though the grant was small, it made a positive difference in their lives as well as their households. Therefore, the main idea is that government should continue with the BIS policy is being finalised.

Government is also refining the green paper on comprehensive social security and retirement reform, which would provide income security for individuals, both formal and informal sector workers, in old age inclusive of survivors’ benefits. A comprehensive social security system is critical in ensuring that non- contributory and contributory measures are available to provide cover to members and beneficiaries against life cycle risks.

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