Question NW1361 to the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

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05 May 2023 - NW1361

Profile picture: Van Zyl, Ms A M

Van Zyl, Ms A M to ask the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1)       What (a) is the allocated budget for scholar transport for each province and (b) procedures and processes are in place to ensure that the budget allocated for scholar transport is not mismanaged; (2) whether each province has received their full budget for the 2023-24 financial year; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) what total number of learners are (a) reliant on scholar transport, (b) provided for and (c) able to make use of scholar transport in each province?



1. a) 





Eastern Cape

R      694,000,000.00

Free State

R      102,400,000.00


R   1,046,934,000.00

KwaZulu Natal

R      266,400,000.00


R      466,231,000.00


R      464,891,000.00

Northern Cape

R      191,481,000.00

North West

R      450,000,000.00

Western Cape

R      493,299,000.00


R   4,175,636,000.00

(b) Learner Transport Programme is funded through the Equitable share allocations to Provinces by Treasury. Learner Transport Programme is managed through the Learner Transport Policy published in 2015 and responsible Provincial Departments of Education and Transport are responsible for the administration of the budget through their internal controls, Treasury regulations and oversight to ensure accountability for the control of the allocated budget.

2. Yes, Each Province has received their full budget for the 2023-24 financial year. See above table.

3. (a) 875 985 Learners rely on Scholar Transport Nationally.

    (b&c) 685 157 Learners are being provided and use learner transport programme. Details below.

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