Question NW244 to the Minister of Communication and Digital Technologies

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04 May 2023 - NW244

Profile picture: Kohler-Barnard, Ms D

Kohler-Barnard, Ms D to ask the Minister of Communication and Digital Technologies

Whether with regard to the forensic audit that was initiated by the former Minister of Communications, Ms D Pule, in 2013 and conducted by Specialised Security Group on Mismanagement at the SA Post Office, she will furnish Ms D Kohler with the (a) forensic report and its findings and (b) report of the Special Investigating Unit on the non-resolution of the forensic audit report and its findings; if not, why not in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


The SIU Investigation report was commissioned by the President via a Proclamation. The Presidency is, therefore, the owner of the SIU Investigation Report. The Member of Parliament is advised to formally write a letter to the President on this matter.

Thank You.

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