Question NW906 to the Ms T Bodlani

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04 May 2023 - NW906

Profile picture: Bodlani, Ms T

Bodlani, Ms T to ask the Ms T Bodlani

(1) What (a) plans have been put in place by his department to ensure that he has a smooth transition after the Cabinet reshuffle and (b) will be his main priorities during his tenure in his portfolio; (2) whether he will be completing the targets as set out in the performance agreement that was signed by the former Minister, Ms K P S Ntshavheni at the start of her term; if not, will he be signing a completely new agreement with new targets; if so, what are the relevant details?


  1. The Executive Committee of the Department met with the Minister on 7 March 2023 (a day after changes were made to the National Executive) to brief the Minister on the work of the department. The Minister has since been engaging with key stakeholders in the sector.
  2. Ministerial Performance Agreements (MPA) are based on the commitments in the State of the Nation Address and selected priority actions from the 2019 - 24 Medium Term Strategic Framework. Each MPA contains a set of specific targets backed by measurable performance indicators to be achieved over the 5- year electoral period, the purpose of which is to put the country on a positive path towards our national development goals and objectives.

Thank You.

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