Question NW485 to the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

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04 May 2023 - NW485

Profile picture: Majozi, Ms Z

Majozi, Ms Z to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

What are the relevant details of the status of the roll-out and implementation of the second phase of SA Connect that will be rolled out using the State Information Technology Agency, Broadband Infraco and Sentech over the next 36 months?


The revised South Africa Connect Phase 2 model focuses on the following three pillars:

  • Community and Household connectivity by Broadband Infraco (BBI), Sentech and Internet Service Providers (ISPs);
  • Universal Service Obligations to connect schools, health facilities and traditional authorities by Mobile Network Operators; and
  • Government connectivity to connect government facilities by the State Information Technology Agency (SITA).

Governance structures involving key stakeholders have been established to guide and monitor the implementation of the programme. The governance structures include the Project Steering Committee and Project Team. The Project Steering Committee is chaired by the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies and include the leadership from the DCDT and implementing entities (BBI, Sentech, SITA, Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa (USAASA). The Project Team is comprised of senior managers and technical teams from the DCDT and implementing entities.

The DCDT has engaged various stakeholders at National, Provincial and Local Government levels to discuss the project and solicit input in terms of sites that require connectivity.

Community and Household Connectivity

BBI and Sentech are responsible for rolling out infrastructure using various technologies (fibre, wireless and satellite). The local SMMEs, ISPs and Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs) will lease capacity from BBI while Sentech will provide connectivity to those households and 33 000 community Wi-Fi hot spots with the applicable metering and support.

The Department applied for funding to National Treasury (NT) through the Budget Facility for Infrastructure (BFI) process. National Treasury has since approved R3 billion capital expenditure funds to implement the programme over the MTEF. Engagements are underway with National Treasury regarding the availability of funds to enable the project team to finalise the implementation plan. Relevant details are as follows:

  • High level core and access network technical designs for the fibre, Transmission and Internet Protocol (IP) network components are completed for all 9 provinces. Procurement processes to appoint equipment suppliers, installers (SMMEs) have commenced. Owners of key third party sites that are essential to deploy infrastructure have been identified.
  • Engagements with ISPs have commenced to understand their broadband delivery model and how they can effectively participate in the SA Connect programme to support the overall objectives of connecting communities and households.

USAASA has funded the rollout of 412 sites in the Northern Cape (NC) and Eastern Cape (EC), i.e. Pixley Ka Seme (112) and OR Tambo districts (300) respectively. 110 sites have been connected with the required infrastructure (45 in NC and 65 in EC). Work is underway to connect the remaining 302 in the 2023/24 financial year.

Connectivity to Government Facilities

SITA to connect at a minimum of 10Mbps (total of 14 742 government sites) utilising existing budgets from line departments for maintenance and the extension of services provided by SITA. To date 3767 government facilities in the Eastern Cape, Gauteng and Western Cape provinces facilities are connected and there are ongoing engagements with other provincial departments.

Universal Service Obligations (USO)

ICASA has imposed USOs on Mobile Network Operators (spectrum licensees) who were recently assigned International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) spectrum through an auction as per the Invitation to Apply (ITA) i.e. 18 520 schools; 1764 hospitals; 3967 clinics; 567 libraries and Thusong centers and 8241 traditional and tribal authority Centres.

Engagements are underway to finalise site lists with traditional authorities. ICASA is engaging with spectrum licensees to finalise the allocation of the social obligations connectivity. The licensees will develop roll-out plans after the conclusion of ICASA’s engagements.

Thank You.

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