Question NW806 to the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

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06 April 2023 - NW806

Profile picture: Ngcobo, Mr SL

Ngcobo, Mr SL to ask the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

Whether her department has any intentions to implement and/or introduce a framework that will make it easier to prioritise the swift action of curriculum reform and improve the quality of education; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


Curriculum reform and review, by its very nature is dynamic and cyclical. The Department has a long history of reviewing and amending curriculum based on the needs, independent research and monitoring and evaluation findings to ensure relevance and improved learning outcomes. The Departmental approach to curriculum review is ongoing and needs based. For example, since the implementation of the CAPS curriculum in 2012, the DBE has introduced new subjects, such as 9 new technology subjects and Marine Sciences. We are currently also piloting 13 new vocationally and/or occupationally orientated subjects in the GET phase ( Grade 8 and 9)  as part of our ongoing review of curriculum in order to improve learning outcomes. The Three Stream Model, that we are currently implementing, is also a result of ongoing monitoring and efforts to improve the quality of learning outcomes. The additional learning pathways will ensure that we provide our learners with multiple opportunities to transition successfully from school to life after school. 

In keeping with the pursuit of improving the quality learning outcomes, the Department of Basic Education is in the process of reviewing and strengthening the curriculum, to equip learners with skills and competencies for the future. These efforts will continue to focus on the improvement of learning as the end result of schooling. To achieve this lofty goal, the DBE is reviewing the current curriculum, to strengthen it and align it to realise the full implementation of the Three-Stream Curriculum Model. 

The key levers of the review, will  focus on the curriculum;  teaching; assessment; learning and teaching support materials (LTSM), and the learning environment. Due to the centrality of curriculum to ignite the other key levers, the DBE is focusing on strengthening the curriculum at this stage, with a focus on -

  • Infusing competencies in the curriculum; 
  • Review and modernise existing curriculum content; and 
  • Subject modernisation

To realise the curriculum strengthening, the DBE is currently developing the South African Competency Framework, which will prioritise the key competencies (knowledge, skills, attitudes and values) to develop in our learners to equip them with skills for the future. As part of this review, the DBE will also develop a curriculum review policy framework, to ensure regular and faster curriculum renewal. The strengthened curriculum will include in its design, opportunities for continuous automatic renewal to stay abreast with the fast changing world. 

At the same time, work is continuing in the areas of reviewing our assessment practices, teacher development and LTSM to ensure we improve learning outcomes sustainably. 

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