Question NW409 to the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

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16 March 2023 - NW409

Profile picture: Breedt, Ms T

Breedt, Ms T to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

With reference to the fact that agricultural colleges across the Republic keep cattle for teaching purposes, (a) which cattle are disposed off by auction and/or donation, (b) how is it decided that cattle will be donated to an individual or institution rather than being auctioned, (c) how is a person selected for such a donation and (d) what are the requirements to qualify for such a donation; (2) whether any cattle were donated in the (a) 2021-22 financial year and (b) first quarter of the current financial year to date; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (i) what number of cattle were donated by each agricultural college, (ii) to whom were they donated and (iii) what were the reasons for the donation in each case; (3) whether she will make a statement on the matter?


(1)(a),(b),(c),(d) Please refer to Annexure A.

(2)(a) Only three Colleges made donations during the 2021/22 financial and to date as follows:

  • Fort Cox donated one (1) heifer to the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and no cattle were donated in the current financial year;
  • Tsolo donated three (3) cattle in the 2021-22 financial year. The donation was for catering in the graduation of the college’s students to minimise the catering costs that would have been incurred by appointing a service provider; and
  • Cedara - One cow was donated to students for Heritage Day function

The rest of the Colleges did not donate any cattle during the 2021/22.

(b)(i) No donations during first quarter of the current financial year.

(b)(ii),(iii) Falls away.

3. No.



Name of College

Question (1)(a),(b),(c),(d)


(a) cattle disposed off by auction and/or donation

(b) how it decided that cattle will be donated to an individual or institution rather than being auctioned

(c) how a person is selected for such a donation

(d) requirements to qualify for such a donation


Eastern Cape

Fort Cox

Unproductive stocks (stock that out of production) and surplus are disposed of through a public auction

Requests for donations are received by management and forwarded to the council for approval

There has not been a person who requested a donation from the Institute

The Institute has not recieved any request for donation from any person. Request for donation of livestock from Institutions are received by management, assessed and recommendations are forwarded to the Council for approval



When the cattle do not meet the norms and set standards e.g. challenges with breeding, production genetics or there is an overpopulation leading to over grazing because of new additional cattle, the animals are culled

The primary disposal method is an auction but when there is a request for a donation and there is culled stock due for disposal, that donation is considered

There is no selection done, its as per the request

The donation should be proved to have a contribution to service delivery or minimising of any additional costs that might be incurred without the donation

KwaZulu Natal

Cedara & Owen Sitole

The KZN Agricultural Colleges only keep cattle for the purposes of teaching, however by the nature of cattle and due to the teaching practices being undertaken in the colleges, normal commercial cattle farming activities still form a vital part of the management of the herd. Moreover, cattle reproduction systems form an integral part of the students’ syllabus as much so does cattle nutrition, field management, markets as well as animal selection, genetics and ultimately reduction strategies in line with the markets and disposals. The Department of Agriculture & Rural Development has the management of livestock under qualified Animal Health Technicians, Livestock Scientists or Agricultural Lecturers, who are all professionals in their fields.

The Head of Department receives ad hoc requests for the donation of cattle from members of the public or social or religious organisations or other departments who requests the assistance of the Department in the form of a donation of cattle. As the Department does not donate cattle from the breeding stock but draws from those cattle already identified for disposal, the availability of surplus or disposal cattle will need to be ascertained prior to donation decisions being considered.

Once availablity of cattle is ascertained, the Head of Department then assesses whether, by donating the cattle, the department would be demonstrating gratitude, displaying sympathy or enhancing professional and ethical business relationship with the organisation, department or individual through the donation. This assessment would guide his decision whether to donate the cattle or not

The person is not selected for such a donation, but rather ad hoc applications are made and motivated to the Head of Department from time to time for the donation of cattle. These type of applications are usually associated with some major religious, social, political or departmental event.

There would have to be some religious, social, political or departmental event that the cattle would be needed for in order for an application for donation to be considered. The Head of Department would not consider members of the public merely writing to request the donation of cattle as they would like to start farming. In this instants this would not constitute a reason for a donation but the individual may be referred to the district management in terms of applying for agricultural support through the departments service delivery mandated programmes.

North West


& Taung

Culled animals are disposed by auctioning to the emerging farmers.

The process is performed by the committee appointed by the HOD

The colleges do not donate any cattle

Competitive bidding is utilised for disposing culled animals


Culled animals are disposed by auctioning to the emerging farmers.

The process is performed by the committee appointed by the HOD

The colleges do not donate any cattle

Competitive bidding is utilised for disposing culled animals

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