Question NW408 to the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

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16 March 2023 - NW408

Profile picture: Breedt, Ms T

Breedt, Ms T to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

(a) What number of cattle (i) are kept for teaching purposes by each agricultural college, (ii) have been misappropriated in the (aa) 2021-22 financial year and (bb) first quarter of the current financial year to date and (b) from which colleges were the cattle misappropriated; (2) what (a) is the case number of each case of theft and (b) progress has been made with investigation in each case; (3) whether she will make a statement on the matter?


(1)(a),(i) Please refer to table 1 below for colleges that keep minimal number of cattle for teaching purposes.

It should be noted that the Glen, Elsenburg and Madzivhandila Colleges do not keep any cattle for training purpose, the students have access to departmental cattle for teaching purposes which are mostly housed within the reserach unit of the department.

Table 1

Question (1)(a),(i)

Name of College

Number of Cattle


150 cattle

Fort Cox

95 beef cattle and 30 dairy cows


100 beef cattle (Nguni) and 10 dairy cows


50 breeding cows, 2 bulls and 10 replacement heifers

Owen Sitole

15 cattle (55 auctioned on 8th March 2023)

Tompi Seleka

38 Dairy cattle and 37 Beef cattle


15 cattle


90 cattle of which 34 are for dairy

(ii),(aa),(bb) None.

(b) Falls away.

(2)(a)(b) Falls away.

(3) No.

Source file