Question NW639 to the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

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15 March 2023 - NW639

Profile picture: Mogale, Mr T

Mogale, Mr T to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

What level of training is provided to campus security guards in dealing with student protests, given the fact that the SA Police Service has a specialised and highly trained unit that deals with protests?


Different universities have different security needs which depend on the threats they are experiencing. The Department convened a meeting with the Heads of Security to understand and assess the different needs and threats experienced by universities and there was unanimous support for peace-keeping training. It was identified that training of security officers should be prioritised. Universities should create working relationships with law enforcement agencies including the Public Order Policing Unit of the South African Police Service.

Universities South Africa (USAf) committed to work closely with South African Police Service (SAPS) and Campus Protection Society of Southern Africa (CAMPROSA) to ensure that universities’ security officers are well trained, and training of security officers is standardized through the development of a training manual at national level. The Department has developed a blueprint for security personnel in the TVET sector and will oversee the process of the development of a similar framework within the next 6 months after conducting further assessments of the university security personnel.

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