Question NW66 to the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

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24 February 2023 - NW66

Profile picture: Mileham, Mr K

Mileham, Mr K to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

(a) What total volume of diesel did (i) PetroSA and (ii) the Strategic Fuel Fund (SFF) procure for wholesale purposes in each month of 2022 and (b) in each case, (i) who did they purchase the diesel from, (ii) how much diesel was purchased, (iii) how much diesel was sold to Eskom and (iv) what markup did (aa) PetroSA and (bb) the SFF put on the diesel that was sold to Eskom?


SFF Reply:

Strategic Fuel Fund (SFF) never bought and/or sold diesel in 2022.

PetroSA Reply:

a) What total volume of diesel did

(i) PetroSA procure for wholesale purposes in each month of 2022

This is commercially sensitive information which cannot be disclosed in the public domain as it may end up in the hands of PetroSA’s competitors. This relates to PetroSA’s market share which is commercially sensitive information.

b) in each case, (i) who did they purchase the diesel from,

In terms of the confidentiality provisions contained in the agreements with the Suppliers, providing the information would be a breach of such confidentiality provisions.

(ii) how much diesel was purchased

See response in a) (i) above

(iii) how much diesel was sold to Eskom

As already alluded in a) (i) above, it is not in PetroSA’s interest to disclose information pertaining to its volumes as it is commercially sensitive information because it relates to PetroSA’s share in the market..

(iv) what markup did (aa) PetroSA put on the diesel that was sold to Eskom?

This is commercially sensitive information as it relates to PetroSA’s competitive margin in the market.


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