Question NW3395 to the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

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27 October 2022 - NW3395

Profile picture: Pambo, Mr V

Pambo, Mr V to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

In light of the fact that there has been an outcry regarding the backlog in the printing of certificates and diplomas in the technical vocational education and training (TVET) colleges, what total number of TVET college (a) certificates and (b) diplomas are yet to be (i) printed and (ii) handed over to the students by his department?


Emanating from the Examination IT System, the Resulting and Certification IT System directorate has no outstanding printing of certification and diplomas to qualifying candidates. The Examination IT system could not identify and extract any outstanding qualification to qualifying candidates. Any and other candidates whose achievement records across different examinations (over multiple examination cycles) must apply via their respective TVET colleges for consolidation to meet qualification requirements. 


Business Studies 

As at 30 June 2022, 571 230 certificates for candidates who sat for Business Studies N4 to N6 qualification examinations between the period November 2021 to June 2022 were issued. This figure represents a total of 192 examination center at 50 TVET Colleges.

Engineering Studies 

As at 30 June 2022, 142 606 certificates for candidates who sat for Engineering Studies N1 to N2 and N4 to N6 qualification examinations between the period November 2021 to June 2022 were issued. This figure represents a total of 28 examination centers.

3.3 NC(V) 

As at 26 September 2022, 149 874 out of 170 300 certificates for candidates who sat for NC(V) Level 2 to 4 qualification for the 202111 examination cycle were issued. Different types of documents are created. These represents the full certificates for candidates who passed all 7 subjects in one examination cycle. The outstanding certificate are a representation of subject statements for candidates who passed less than 7 subjects and candidates who failed all subjects or candidates who were absent for all subjects. No documents are printed for these candidates, but need to be issued with an Umalusi document number for further processes once the student re write the subjects and qualify for a full certificate.

For the period November 20211 to March 2022 the certificates for 2978 candidates are still being processed. The candidates enrolled for the supplementary examination are excluded from the batch certification submitted to Umalusi for approval and printing. The reason being that a candidate could have passed or bettered a mark during the supplementary examination. This is done per level, since the issuing of the higher level is dependent on the issuing of the lower level. This means the candidates must have passed the lower levels before a higher-level certificate can be issued. 

Once this consolidation process is finalized, the records for candidates who passed subjects over multiple examination cycles are consolidated and certificates issued for qualifying candidates.

(b) 3.4 DIPLOMAS 

The following is an update progress made in issuing of diplomas during the period between 01 January 2022 to 30 June 2022 reporting period:

(i) The Certification and Historical records unit issued 34 588 diplomas to qualifying candidates who meet the theoretical and practical component requirements. 

While the number of potential candidates who are eligible for diplomas seemed to be less, consideration should be taken that this is a three years’ qualification comprising of 18 months Business Studies /12 months Engineering Studies theoretical achievement accompanied by 18 months or 2000 hours of relevant evidence of practical experience in commerce or industry, while Engineering requires 24 months or two years of relevant practical experience respectively.    

National N Diploma application declined to candidates not meeting the requirements must resubmit their applications for appeal. 

The above figure represents a total of 50 TVET Colleges.


Department of Higher Education and Training courier all Certificates and National N Diplomas printed and awarded to TVET colleges and campuses to be issued to qualifying candidates. These qualifications are captures and recorded on the Examination IT System with tracking waybill number for easy tracking and retrieval. It is the responsibility of the TVET colleges to inform candidates to collect their qualification upon receipt by their respective colleges/campuses. 

While it is expected of college to hand over certificates and diplomas to qualifying candidate’s challenges does occur especially with private colleges relocations.

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