Question NW2292 to the President of the Republic

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14 July 2022 - NW2292

Profile picture: Gwarube, Ms S

Gwarube, Ms S to ask the President of the Republic

What (a) number of advisory panels, advisory councils, task committees and commissions has he established since becoming President of the Republic on 15 February 2018, (b) are the details of the (i) mandate and (ii) work conducted to date of each of the specified panels, councils, committees and/or commissions, (c) is the (i) name and (ii) professional designation of each person serving on each of the specified panels, councils, committees and/or commissions, and (d) are the details of the costs incurred in the establishment and operation, including salaries and any other benefits paid to persons serving on each of the specified panels, councils, committees and/or commissions?


The following advisory panels, advisory councils, committees and commissions have been established since 2018:

Panel, Council, Committee or Commission

Responsible department

1. Presidential Commission on the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services

2. Presidential Economic Advisory Council

National Treasury

3. Presidential Advisory Council on Investment

Department of Trade, Industry and Competition

4. Presidential Commission on Climate Change

Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment

5. Presidential State Owned Enterprises Council

Department of Public Enterprises

6. Working Group on Disability

Department of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities

The following have been closed on completion of final reports:

Panel, council or committee

Responsible department

1. Commission of Inquiry into the South African Revenue Service

Department of Justice and Correctional Services

2. Commission of Inquiry into the Public Investment Corporation

Department of Justice and Correctional Services

3. High-Level Review Panel on the State Security Agency

State Security Agency

4. Expert Panel on July 2021 Unrest

The Presidency

Secretariat support for panels and councils, together with responsibility for their costs, resides with the relevant lead departments.

The information regarding the establishment of panels, advisory councils and commissions is in the public domain as there are media releases that indicate the names of the appointees, dates of appointment and terms of reference on the Presidency website.

The costs incurred by the Presidency with respect to the Expert Panel on the July 2021 Unrest was R530,231. Details on the costs incurred for the other bodies may be sourced from the relevant departments.

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