Question NW2099 to the Minister of Public Enterprises

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30 June 2022 - NW2099

Profile picture: Lotriet, Prof  A

Lotriet, Prof A to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

Whether (a) his department and/or (b) any of the entities reporting to him have found any ghost workers within their system in the past five years; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (i) total number of ghost workers was discovered, (ii) total amount was paid to them and (iii) steps have been taken to (aa) recover the money lost and (bb) hold the offending parties accountable?


According to the information received from the Department and SOCs:




(a) Whether his department have found any ghost workers within their system in the past five years, if not what is the position in this regard, if so, what:

(i) total number of ghost workers was discovered: None

(ii) total amount was paid to them: None

(iii) steps have been taken to: None

(aa) recover the money lost: None

(bb) hold the offending parties accountable? None


Alexkor SOC Limited and the Pooling and Sharing Joint Venture (PSJV) do not have any Ghost Workers.


a) N/A

b) In August 2020, Denel (SOC) Ltd discovered that two apprentices whose training programme had ended on 30 June 2018 and 28 October 2019 respectively remained on the payroll until they were terminated on 30 August 2020.

(i) The total number that was discovered was two (2).

(ii) The amount paid to them during this period was a combined total of R182,082.40.

(iii) (aa) No steps were taken to recover the money paid to them.

(bb) The responsible employee resigned and left the company before the disciplinary action process could be finalised.


(b) In the past five years, no ghost employees have been found at Eskom.

In 2018 Eskom embarked on an exercise to validate all employees on its payroll to ensure that no ghost workers exist. The exercise involved conducting various checks across Eskom in line with best practices.

Eskom continues to implement further enhancements in terms of monitoring and identifying potential ghost employees.

(b)(i) (ii) (iii) Not applicable.

(aa) Not applicable.


(a) N/A

(b) None for SAFCOL

(i) N/A

(ii N/A

(iii) N/A

(aa) N/A

(bb) N/A


SAA has not found any Ghost Workers in our SAP payroll system in the past five years.

SAA’s position in this regard is that there is a very stringent system in place to ensure that no ghost employees are paid by the company. No Ghost Workers were identified following our recent HR audit.


a) Not applicable

b) On 15 June 2021 Transnet SOC (“Transnet”) commissioned Transnet Internal Audit (TIA) to conduct a Payroll Audit assessment to verify the number of employees within its system, amongst other functions. Following this assessment, a report was issued on 27 August 2021 which indicated that were no ghost employees on their system

(i) Not applicable

(ii) Not applicable

(iii) Not applicable

(aa) Not applicable

(bb) Not applicable

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