Question NW1530 to the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

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21 June 2022 - NW1530

Profile picture: Matiase, Mr NS

Matiase, Mr NS to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

Given that the Poultry Sector Master Plan indicates that the Republic needs to grow the poultry industry for both local and export production in order to expand local capacity, what plans and/or strategies does her department have in place to ensure that the Republic protects its poultry industry?


The Department Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) has drafted protocols to ensure that industry is able to export their poultry produce to a number of countries in Africa and to the Middle East from closed and bio secure facilities generally known as compartments. Compartments assist the poultry farmers to avoid introducing harmful poultry diseases in their farms. DALRRD continuously monitors these compartments.

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