Question NW646 to the Minister of Public Service and Administration

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17 May 2022 - NW646

Profile picture: Gondwe, Dr M

Gondwe, Dr M to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

(1)With reference to her reply to question 2699 on 16 December 2021, what (a) number of public servants have been subjected to lifestyle audits as at 1 January 2022 and (b) were the outcomes of the specified lifestyle audits; (2) whether she will furnish Dr M M Gondwe with a breakdown of the specified number of lifestyle audits that were conducted in each (a) national and (b) provincial government department; if not, why not, if so, on what date?


1. The lifestyle audits are conducted in three phases namely lifestyle review, lifestyle investigation and lifestyle audit (a) A total number of 21574 public servants have been subjected to lifestyle review, which is the first phase of lifestyle audit, as at January 2022; (b) There were 746 public servants who are undergoing investigation for non-disclosure of assets, vehicles and companies as well as conflicts of interest.

2. The breakdown of the number of lifestyle audits conducted is as follow: (a) National departments’ lifestyle reviews conducted amounts to 12557; and (b) Provincial government departments’ lifestyle reviews conducted amounts to 9017, as at January 2022.


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