Question NW631 to the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

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18 March 2022 - NW631

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

(1). Whether he will furnish Mrs V van Dyk with the dates of the proposed Safeguarding meetings of the SA Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC) in 2022; (2). whether he will furnish Mrs V van Dyk with a copy of the minutes of the Safeguarding meetings of SASCOC that were held on (a) 31 March 2021, (b) 27 July 2021, (c) 3 August 2021 and (d) 27 October 2021 as agreed last year in the committee meeting with SASCOC? NW767E


(1). SASCOC in their response indicated that they held the following meetings in 2022:

  • 22 January 2022 – an online meeting held with all National Federations
  • 03 February 2022 – The Working Group held its first meeting and part of this meeting was developing the 2022 plans.

SASCOC further indicated that meetings are held on a quarterly basis and the dates have not yet been finalised for the other quarters.

SASCOC has also advised that in 2022, the focus will be the final review of the Safeguarding Policy, which will strengthen the processes and procedures in dealing with cases lodged.

2). SASCOC has provided minutes for the meetings held on:

a) 03 August 2021 (attached)

b) 09 December 2021 (attached)

In terms of the meetings held on the following dates, SASCOC has indicated that they are not in the position to share the minutes:

  • c) 31 March 2021: Inaugural meeting – minutes available but not attached.( see narrative below)
  • d) 27 July 2021: meeting did not quorate, no resolutions were taken
  • e) 27 October 2021: The meeting was to discuss the behaviour of group members and the implications thereof. The meeting was in committee and therefore, the minutes are not attached. The SASCOC Board is dealing with this matter.

SASCOC further indicated that safeguarding matters have become a key priority for the Confederation. As the organisation has a duty to care for all participants, within the sport movement. Equally so, they have a responsibility to protect all individuals involved in lodged cases as guided by the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) that regulates how they handle personal information as they address safeguarding cases.

Some cases discussed during these meetings are still being investigated and sharing this information might jeopardize the process and it is in their interest that the justice process be allowed to take its cause.

In conclusion, SASCOC indicated that they could categorically confirm that four meetings were held in 2021 and these minutes are well recorded, and several other safeguarding engagements were held as dates above.

I have also written to SASCOC leadership urging them to finalise the process because if the matter is not finalised it will impact on funding from the government.

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