Question NW87 to the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

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28 February 2022 - NW87

Profile picture: Joseph, Mr D

Joseph, Mr D to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture

(1). What are the new revised international standards prescribed for anti-doping for sport codes that the SA Institute for Drug-Free Sport (SAIDS) had to comply with from 2021; (2). whether SAIDS has amended their policy and procedures for compliance; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, how did the sport codes respond to the amendments?


(1). The revised World Anti-Doping Code came into effect in January 2021. The revised Code includes mandatory compliance to the following International anti-doping standards:

  • International Standard for Education
  • International Standard for Testing and Investigations
  • International Standard for the Protection of Personal Information.

(2). In 2020 SAIDS sent a draft of the 2021 South African Anti-Doping Rules to all national sports federation and stakeholders in sport. These sports entities were granted a three-month period to provide comment and feedback on the National Anti-doping Rules.

No significant comments were received that necessitated amending the initial draft. Subsequently, the SA Anti-Doping Rules were adopted by the Board of SAIDS and came into force in January 2021. These rules were amended to include the additional rules and obligations of the 2021 World Anti-Doping Code and the UNESCO Convention Against Doping in Sport.

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